🌺ブーゲンビリア:花筏/筏葛:Bougainvillea 🌖 更待ち月:Late waiting moon (旧暦20日の月:月齢=20) *Or not⁈:(旧暦21日の月:月齢=20.2)更待ち月⁈ 🌗下弦の月: The moon of the understring (旧暦22日の月:月齢=21.6) 🌟獅子座の星たち:The stars of Leo
@"It was said that the Geminid meteor shower can be seen at night, I waited for a meteor to come, but it did not appear.🐶 大意:今宵はふたご座の流星群が観られるというので、 ずっと待っていたけど、なかなか見かけられなかった🐶
✍️Works:Poetaster Kazyan//筍歌人藪中和堂 Artistic:🌗The moon of the understring Dec14,2022:past 20;50’:📱shooting Dec15,2022:past 11:30';upload by Kazyan’s Green Studio
🌖 更待ち月:Late waiting moon
*Or not⁈:(旧暦21日の月:月齢=20.2)更待ち月⁈
🌗下弦の月: The moon of the understring
🌟獅子座の星たち:The stars of Leo
*Or not?:旧暦21日の月なのですが、月齢=20.2でまだ「更待ち月」なのか?
@"It was said that the Geminid meteor shower can be seen at night,
I waited for a meteor to come, but it did not appear.🐶
✍️Works:Poetaster Kazyan//筍歌人藪中和堂
Artistic:🌗The moon of the understring
Dec14,2022:past 20;50’:📱shooting
Dec15,2022:past 11:30';upload
by Kazyan’s Green Studio