梅雨明けが近づいて、ヤブカンゾウが咲きました。八重咲きのオレンジ色の花が野趣を感じさせます。バナナのような蕾も可愛いです。春先の若葉や蕾も食べることができてますよ。 As the rainy season draws to a close, daylilies have begun to bloom. Double-flowered orange flowers make you feel rustic. Buds like bananas are also cute. Young leaves and buds in early spring can also be eaten. 🌸🌱
As the rainy season draws to a close, daylilies have begun to bloom. Double-flowered orange flowers make you feel rustic. Buds like bananas are also cute. Young leaves and buds in early spring can also be eaten.