@訳意; @訳意;Although it is wet with raindrops, the spathiphyllum and hydrangea flowers are in full bloom and it looks very beautiful. ;雨しずくに濡れながら、スパティフィラムとアジサイの花華たちが元気に咲いてとても綺麗な様子です。
✍️Works:Poetaster Kazyan’s//筍歌人;藪中和堂
May 31,2024:past am 07:00’;📱shooting June 2,2024:past 04:10'.;upload by Kazyan’s Green Studio
「雨しずく スパティフィラムと紫陽花や
元気に咲いて 美々しくもがな」
@訳意; @訳意;Although it is wet with raindrops, the spathiphyllum and hydrangea flowers are in full bloom and it looks very beautiful.
✍️Works:Poetaster Kazyan’s//筍歌人;藪中和堂
May 31,2024:past am 07:00’;📱shooting
June 2,2024:past 04:10'.;upload
by Kazyan’s Green Studio