【Artistic: Owl & flowers】 @:renewal version #75//Instagram
【Kazyan’s Collection;森の福来郎老翁と紅梅編⑤】
🌺紅梅の花;Red plum blossom
@"In the cold weather of the Great Cold Festival, the red plum blossoms in the courtyard of Manyo are blooming, and an elegant flower shows its beautiful beauty"
《優雅で麗しい美観と侘び寂びの美観》 ;Graceful and Beautiful Aesthetics and Wabi-Sabi Aesthetics
優雅さと麗しさが共存する美意識を「雅麗美」 更に、侘しさと寂しさが共存する美意識を「侘寂美」と呼称しています。 ;The aesthetic coexistence of elegance and beauty is called "雅麗美:gareibi" and the aesthetic coexistence of melancholy and loneliness is called "侘寂美:wasabi"
こういう光景はどこか古典的な風情があり、とても癒されます😸 ; This kind of scene has a classic atmosphere somewhere and is very healed 😸
しかし、その美しさを表現することは非常に難しく、他の模倣になってしまう可能性があります。 美的才能は個性を表現することにあると思いますが、それを思い通りに表現することは非常に困難です。 ; However, it is very difficult to express its beauty, and it may end up being an imitation of others. I believe that aesthetic talent lies in expressing individuality, but it is very difficult to express it exactly the way I want it.
📝これらの言葉は吾輩の"造語"ですが、 このことを意識して美的な感情を制御できれば、傑作ができるかもしれないと、信じるものです🐶 ;These words are my "coined words", but I believe that if I can control my aesthetic feelings with this in mind, I might be able to create a masterpiece.
脳内の何処かに潜んでいる才能を、引き出して鍛えたいです🐶 今のところ、脳的には正常に機能していますが…⁉︎ 脳神経外科に行って、相談してみたい思いデスら😸 ; I want to bring out and train the talents hidden somewhere in my brain🐶 So far, my brain is functioning normally,,, I would like to go to a neurosurgeon and have a consultation.😸
✍️Works:Poetaster Kazyan//筍歌人;藪中和堂
Artistic:Red plum blossom & Owl of the forest Jan 28,2023:past am 11:00’;📱shooting Jan 28,2023:past am 11:30’;upload//Instagram Jan 28,2023:past 12:45’;upload//Green Snap by Kazyan’s Green Studio
@:renewal version #75//Instagram
【Kazyan’s Collection;森の福来郎老翁と紅梅編⑤】
🌺紅梅の花;Red plum blossom
@"In the cold weather of the Great Cold Festival,
the red plum blossoms in the courtyard of Manyo are blooming,
and an elegant flower shows its beautiful beauty"
;Graceful and Beautiful Aesthetics and Wabi-Sabi Aesthetics
;The aesthetic coexistence of elegance and beauty is called "雅麗美:gareibi"
and the aesthetic coexistence of melancholy and loneliness is called "侘寂美:wasabi"
; This kind of scene has a classic atmosphere somewhere and is very healed 😸
; However, it is very difficult to express its beauty, and it may end up being an imitation of others.
I believe that aesthetic talent lies in expressing individuality,
but it is very difficult to express it exactly the way I want it.
;These words are my "coined words",
but I believe that if I can control my aesthetic feelings with this in mind,
I might be able to create a masterpiece.
; I want to bring out and train the talents hidden somewhere in my brain🐶
So far, my brain is functioning normally,,,
I would like to go to a neurosurgeon and have a consultation.😸
✍️Works:Poetaster Kazyan//筍歌人;藪中和堂
Artistic:Red plum blossom & Owl of the forest
Jan 28,2023:past am 11:00’;📱shooting
Jan 28,2023:past am 11:30’;upload//Instagram
Jan 28,2023:past 12:45’;upload//Green Snap
by Kazyan’s Green Studio