@♪It's began to raining suddenly and it seems to be shining faintly. There is a beloved Daphne buds ... ♪ From the overflowing buds of tears, a faint and gentle scent is beginning to smell. And that's right, it's beyond the sky...♬ 訳意:にわかに雨が降りだして、かすかに光っているようです。 そこには愛する沈丁花の蕾があります...♪ 溢れる涙の蕾から、ほのかに優しい香りがし始めています。 そしてそうです、それは空を超えています。
@♫Eventually you will come to pick me up. Spring, distant spring, If I close my eyelids, you'll be there. I can hear your nostalgic voice that gave me love...🎶 訳意:やがてあなたは私を迎えに来るでしょう。 春、遠い春、まぶたを閉じればあなたはそこにいるでしょう。 私は聞くことができます、愛を与えてくれたあなたの懐かしい声を…🎶
"Aburacadabura:Chichin Puipui” Please, Open the Daphne, "Alohomora"🌸
🌺"I am waiting for your gentle scent."
♪Come spring, come early Daphnes are waiting in the courtyard of my house All the buds are also inflated, I am waiting for flowering Spring is coming, so please do as soon as possible.🎶
✍️Works:Poetaster Kazyan//筍歌人 藪中和堂 Artistic:Daphne Feb 5,2022:past am 07:00':📱shooting Feb 5,2022:past am 07:10':upload by Kazyan’s Green Studio
♧薄色沈丁花:daphne odora
📝♪春よ、来い:主題歌♬ 作詞・作曲:松任谷由実
♪淡き光立つ俄雨 いとし面影の沈丁花
溢るる涙の蕾から ひとつ ひとつ香り始める
それは それは 空を越えて♬
@♪It's began to raining suddenly and it seems to be shining faintly.
There is a beloved Daphne buds ... ♪
From the overflowing buds of tears,
a faint and gentle scent is beginning to smell.
And that's right, it's beyond the sky...♬
♫やがて やがて 迎えに来る
春よ 遠き春よ 瞼閉じればそこに
愛を くれし君の なつかしき声がする🎶
@♫Eventually you will come to pick me up.
Spring, distant spring, If I close my eyelids, you'll be there.
I can hear your nostalgic voice that gave me love...🎶
"Aburacadabura:Chichin Puipui”
Please, Open the Daphne, "Alohomora"🌸
🌺"I am waiting for your gentle scent."
♪Come spring, come early
Daphnes are waiting in the courtyard of my house
All the buds are also inflated,
I am waiting for flowering Spring is coming,
so please do as soon as possible.🎶
✍️Works:Poetaster Kazyan//筍歌人 藪中和堂
Feb 5,2022:past am 07:00':📱shooting
Feb 5,2022:past am 07:10':upload
by Kazyan’s Green Studio