評論シリーズNo.82🎶【Elton JohnのMy best 3】 史上最も成功した男性ソロシンガーの一人でナイトの称号を持つ一方、奇抜なファッションや度重なる問題発言でお騒がせ男としても知られるエルトン・ジョン。人物の好き嫌いは別として、稀代の作詞家バーニー・トーピンとのコンビで幾つかの忘れ難い楽曲を生み出したことは紛れもない事実です。私の好きな3曲を紹介させて下さいね♪
Turn me loose from your hands Let me fly to distant lands Over green fields, trees and mountains Flowers and forest fountains Home along the lanes of the skyway
For this dark and lonely room Projects a shadow cast in gloom And my eyes are mirrors Of the world outside Thinking of the way That the wind can turn the tide And these shadows turn From purple into grey
For just a Skyline Pigeon Dreaming of the open Waiting for the day He can spread his wings And fly away again Fly away skyline pigeon fly Towards the dreams You've left so very far behind
②【Madman Across the Water 】 これも初期の楽曲ですが、skyline pigeonとは雰囲気が全く異なります。ヘヴィかつダークなイントロ、劇的な展開。ハードロックと言っても差し支えない骨太な作品です。イギリスを出て世界へ打って出よう、それを暴挙と笑わば笑え、狂人だと罵りたければご自由に、そんな彼の気魄がヒシヒシと伝わってきます🔥
I can see very well There's a boat on the reef with a broken back And I can see it very well There's a joke and I know it very well It's one of those that I told you long ago Take my word, I'm a madman, don't you know
Once a fool had a good part in the play If it's so would I still be here today? It's quite peculiar in a funny sort of way They think it's very funny everything I say Get a load of him, he's so insane You better get your coat, dear, it looks like rain
We'll come again next Thursday afternoon The In-laws hope they'll see you very soon But is it in your conscience that you're after Another glimpse of the Madman across the Water
What happened here As the New York sunset disappeared I found an empty garden Among the flagstones there
Who lived here He must have been a gardener that cared a lot Who weeded out the tears and grew a good crop And now it all looks strange
It's funny how one insect Can damage so much grain
And I've been knocking but no one answers And I've been knocking most all the day Oh and I've been calling oh hey hey Johnny Can't you come out to play
@スワン さん、ただ一人リアクションして下さって‥😭😭😭 ロックとクラシックが中心の私にとってエルトンはさほど思い入れのあるアーティストではないのですが、それでもやっぱり外せない名曲や名唱があるんです。 例えばクイーンのShow must go onをエルトンが歌っているバージョン、骨太でとても良いですよ。 他に彼の曲でオススメは Your song, Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word 、Daniel, Michelle's Song 、Friends、Tiny dancer, Border song、Levon、It's Me That You Need など。是非お聴きください🤗
@ねこたんぽ さん 挙げてくださった曲の数々、Apple musicで検索・保存しましたよ😊 Show must go on、いいですね〜。 確かに骨太!サウンドもどっしりしてますね。 Your songだけは好きで知っていました。 ねこたんぽさん、こんなに次々と曲を挙げられて、なんと守備範囲の広いことか❣️ 毎回、感服したします☺️✨
③【Skyline Pigeon 】
1st アルバムに収録されたクラシカルな美しい曲。賛美歌を思わせるハープシコードとオルガンの響きに、解き放たれた鳩の飛翔を重ねたこの歌は、自由への憧れを強く感じさせます🕊ちなみに彼はピアノの神童で、ヘンデルなどは一度聴いただけで完コピ出来たそうです!(*゚Д゚艸)
Turn me loose from your hands
Let me fly to distant lands
Over green fields, trees and mountains
Flowers and forest fountains
Home along the lanes of the skyway
For this dark and lonely room
Projects a shadow cast in gloom
And my eyes are mirrors
Of the world outside
Thinking of the way
That the wind can turn the tide
And these shadows turn
From purple into grey
For just a Skyline Pigeon
Dreaming of the open
Waiting for the day
He can spread his wings
And fly away again
Fly away skyline pigeon fly
Towards the dreams
You've left so very far behind
②【Madman Across the Water 】
これも初期の楽曲ですが、skyline pigeonとは雰囲気が全く異なります。ヘヴィかつダークなイントロ、劇的な展開。ハードロックと言っても差し支えない骨太な作品です。イギリスを出て世界へ打って出よう、それを暴挙と笑わば笑え、狂人だと罵りたければご自由に、そんな彼の気魄がヒシヒシと伝わってきます🔥
I can see very well
There's a boat on the reef with a broken back
And I can see it very well
There's a joke and I know it very well
It's one of those that I told you long ago
Take my word, I'm a madman, don't you know
Once a fool had a good part in the play
If it's so would I still be here today?
It's quite peculiar in a funny sort of way
They think it's very funny everything I say
Get a load of him, he's so insane
You better get your coat, dear, it looks like rain
We'll come again next Thursday afternoon
The In-laws hope they'll see you very soon
But is it in your conscience that you're after
Another glimpse of the Madman across the Water
③【Empty Garden(Hey Hey Johnny)】
What happened here
As the New York sunset disappeared
I found an empty garden
Among the flagstones there
Who lived here
He must have been a gardener that cared a lot
Who weeded out the tears and grew a good crop
And now it all looks strange
It's funny how one insect
Can damage so much grain
And I've been knocking but no one answers
And I've been knocking most all the day
Oh and I've been calling oh hey hey Johnny
Can't you come out to play