@訳意;The early spring cold cherry blossoms look up into the sky and are in full bloom, And so, this photo was taken with the intention of capturing the beauty of the majestic cold cherry blossoms blooming at an angle. ;早春の寒桜が空を仰いで満開です。 そこで、斜めに咲く勇壮な寒桜の美しさを捉えようと撮影しました。
「メジロ鳥花蜜啄ばみ昼食かな 桜の花に集いて嬉し」
@訳意;White-eye birds flew to the cherry blossoms, pecking at the nectar and happily enjoying their lunch. ;メジロ鳥たちが桜の花に飛んできて、蜜を啄ばみながら嬉しそうに昼食;ヒルゲを楽しんでいました。
Carpe Diem 🌸
✍️Works:Poetaster Kazyan//筍歌人;藪中和堂
Artistic:Red plum blossoms February 17,2025:past 12:30’;📱shooting February 19,2025:past am 06:00’;upload by Kazyan’s Green Studio
🌸寒桜:カンザクラ;Kanzakura;Cold cherry blossom (英名)
学名; Prunus × kanzakura
「寒桜 天空仰ぎ 咲き誇る 堂々伸びる 斜の勇姿かな」
@訳意;The early spring cold cherry blossoms look up into the sky and are in full bloom,
And so, this photo was taken with the intention of capturing the beauty of the majestic cold cherry blossoms blooming at an angle.
「メジロ鳥花蜜啄ばみ昼食かな 桜の花に集いて嬉し」
@訳意;White-eye birds flew to the cherry blossoms,
pecking at the nectar and happily enjoying their lunch.
Carpe Diem 🌸
✍️Works:Poetaster Kazyan//筍歌人;藪中和堂
Artistic:Red plum blossoms
February 17,2025:past 12:30’;📱shooting
February 19,2025:past am 06:00’;upload
by Kazyan’s Green Studio