@訳意; A night plane flew over the large ginkgo trees in the shrine's forest, and the moon was visible far above. ;夜間飛行機が神社の杜の大銀杏の樹の上を飛び行き、その遥か上空にはお月さまが観られました。
✍️Works:Poetaster Kazyan//筍歌人;藪中和堂
Artistic:Night scenery October 10,2024:past 19:40’;📱shooting October 11,2024:past am 01:10';upload by Kzyan’s Green Studio
「飛び行くは夜間飛行機⛩️杜の上 大銀杏の樹とお月さま観る」
@訳意; A night plane flew over the large ginkgo trees in the shrine's forest, and the moon was visible far above.
✍️Works:Poetaster Kazyan//筍歌人;藪中和堂
Artistic:Night scenery
October 10,2024:past 19:40’;📱shooting
October 11,2024:past am 01:10';upload
by Kzyan’s Green Studio