@訳意;Early in the morning, the faint sound of the wind blowing through my small Manyo bush garden (the rustling of the flowers and leaves of the flowering trees) sounds so gentle it seems as if it could disappear at any moment. ;早朝に、私の家の小さな万葉の藪庭を吹き抜ける微かな風の音(花木の花や葉のざわめき)は、今にも消えてしまいそうなほど優しく聞こえます。
『わが屋戸のいささ群竹吹く風の 音のかそけきこの夕べかも」
@訳意; It is evening and I can hear the faint sound of the wind blowing through the small bamboo clump around my house. ;夕方になり、家の周りの小さな竹林を吹き抜ける風のかすかな音が聞こえてきます。
【豆知識】 Akebia quinata, commonly known as chocolate vine, five-leaf chocolate vine, or five-leaf akebia, is a shrub that is native to Japan, China and Korea, commonly used as an ornamental / edible plant in the United States and Europe. In its native habitat, it is often found on hills, in hedges, on trees, along forest edges and streams, and on mountainous slopes.
♧アケビ;木通の花;five-leaf akebia flowers
@訳意;Early in the morning, the faint sound of the wind blowing through my small Manyo bush garden (the rustling of the flowers and leaves of the flowering trees) sounds so gentle it seems as if it could disappear at any moment.
@訳意; It is evening and I can hear the faint sound of the wind blowing through the small bamboo clump around my house.
✍️Works:Poetaster Kazyan//筍歌人;藪中和堂
Akebia quinata, commonly known as chocolate vine, five-leaf chocolate vine, or five-leaf akebia, is a shrub that is native to Japan, China and Korea, commonly used as an ornamental / edible plant in the United States and Europe.
In its native habitat, it is often found on hills, in hedges, on trees, along forest edges and streams, and on mountainous slopes.
Artistic:Akebia quinata flowers
March 29,2024:past am 06:00’;upload
by Kazyan’s Green Studio