@訳意; White peach blossoms are blooming, soaked in the light spring rain, and the feather jasmine flowers are beginning to bloom, entwining their vines. ;春雨に濡れながら白花桃の花が咲き、蔓を絡ませながら羽衣ジャスミンの花が開花しはじめています。
✍️Works:Poetaster Kazyan//筍歌人;藪中和堂
Artistic: White color peach flowers and Hagoromo jasmine flowers March 25,2024:past am 07:00’;📱shooting March 25,2024:past am 08:45’;upload by Kazyan’s Green Studio
「春雨に 白花桃の 咲きはじめ
絡んで魅せる 羽衣ジャスミン」
@訳意; White peach blossoms are blooming, soaked in the light spring rain, and the feather jasmine flowers are beginning to bloom, entwining their vines.
✍️Works:Poetaster Kazyan//筍歌人;藪中和堂
Artistic: White color peach flowers and Hagoromo jasmine flowers
March 25,2024:past am 07:00’;📱shooting
March 25,2024:past am 08:45’;upload
by Kazyan’s Green Studio