@"In the spring haze, the hazy moon that celebrated the beginning of spring was very beautiful." 大意;春かすみの中に、いち早く立春を祝ってくれるおぼろ月がとても綺麗でした。
@"On the night of the hazy moon on the first day of spring, the branches of "Flower Raft: Bougainvillea" were illuminated and beautiful." 大意;立春の日のおぼろ月の夜に、"花筏:ブーゲンビリア"の枝木が照らされて綺麗でした。
🌖おぼろ月:Hazy moon//月齢=13.3:十三夜の月
@"In the spring haze, the hazy moon that celebrated the beginning of spring was very beautiful."
@"On the night of the hazy moon on the first day of spring,
the branches of "Flower Raft: Bougainvillea" were illuminated and beautiful."
🗒ちなみに、今月の満月は2月6日の「スノームーン:Snow moon」で、地球から最も遠い(小さい)満月となりますデス🐶
✍️Works;Poetaster Kazyan//筍歌人;藪中和堂
Artistic;Hazy moon
Feb 4,2023:past 01:00’;📱shooting
Feb 4,2023:past 02:00’;upload
by Kazyan’s Green Studio