♡Jasmine: Japanese Sokei or Matsurika Part 4:Jasmine series ❣️
Pink Jasmine in our Manyo's bush garden began to bloom and began to give off a sweet fragrance to the entire garden. Although not visible in the image, hydrangea, orange osmathus, peach blossom, etc. are covered from the foreground. For a while, the garden will be filled with Pink jasmine scent and healed ( ◠‿◠ ) @万葉の藪庭にあるジャスミンが咲き始め、庭全体に甘い香りを放ち始めました。 画像では見えませんが、前景からアジサイ、金木犀、花桃などが覆われています。 しばらくの間、庭はジャスミンの香りで満たされ、癒されるでしょう( ◠‿◠ )
【Dedicated song:献上歌】
『ほのかなる 香り麗し 素馨花 言の葉添えし永遠にあらねと』 @"The faint fragrance of Pink Jasmine With the exhausted words forever"
『風香る 心地良きかな 素馨:ソケイ花』 @"Smell of fragrance, pleasant scent Pink Jasmine flowers''
『玲瓏と 茉莉花の風 香り来る』 @“The fragrance of the grace and the fragrance of Jasmine comes" @"Wind carries a fragrance of the jasmine blooming like a bell." ;鈴なりに咲いている素馨の花の香りを風が運んで来る。 @The wind carries the scent of the bellflower blooming Pink Jasmine.
『今を摘み チャンスを掴む 風もある』 @"Carpe Diem, and a chance is grasped, It's also windy."
☆ Pink Jasmine Pink Jasmine is a flower with a gentle gorgeous scent. It brings a good sleep and relaxation effect. In the world of perfume, it has an attractive fragrance that is considered one of the three major floral notes along with roses and lilies of the valley. Hagoromojasmine is commonly seen in Japanese towns, where a lot of small white flowers bloom from April to May. @ジャスミン ジャスミンは優しい華やかな香りがするお花です。 安眠効果やリラックス効果をもたらしてくれます。 香水の世界ではバラ・スズランと並ぶ三大フローラルノートの一つとされるほど魅力的な香りがします。 日本の街でよく見られるのはハゴロモジャスミンで、4〜5月に白い小さなお花をたくさん咲かせます。
♡ Flower’s name jasmine is said to be derived from the Persian word "Jasmine" (gift from God). The scented king is called jasmine, and the scented queen is called rose, a flower used as a raw material for perfume and jasmine tea. In addition, Marika (Matsurika) is a kind of jasmine and has a strong fragrance, and is also used in jasmine tea, herbal oil, and incense. @花名のジャスミンは、ペルシャ語の「ヤースミーン(神からの贈り物)」に由来するといわれます。 香りの王はジャスミン、香りの女王はバラといわれ、香水やジャスミン茶の原料にも使用される花。 また、茉莉花(マツリカ)は、ジャスミンの一種で香りが強く、ジャスミン茶(茉莉花茶)やハーブオイル、お香などにも使われます。
The fascinating scent that is addictive also appears in the flower language ⁉︎ @クセになる魅惑の香りが花言葉にもあらわれていますょ⁉︎
♡ First: Please see from the Jasmine series ❣️ Please refer to the Japanese version (^. ^) @第一弾:ハゴロモジャスミンシリーズからご覧下さいませ❣️ 日本語版をご参照ください(^。^)
どうぞ第一弾からご覧頂けましたなら幸いです( ◠‿◠ )
@ English translation attached(英訳添付)
♡Jasmine: Japanese Sokei or Matsurika
Part 4:Jasmine series ❣️
Pink Jasmine in our Manyo's bush garden began to bloom and began to give off a sweet fragrance to the entire garden.
Although not visible in the image, hydrangea, orange osmathus, peach blossom, etc. are covered from the foreground.
For a while, the garden will be filled with Pink jasmine scent and healed ( ◠‿◠ )
しばらくの間、庭はジャスミンの香りで満たされ、癒されるでしょう( ◠‿◠ )
【Dedicated song:献上歌】
『ほのかなる 香り麗し 素馨花
@"The faint fragrance of Pink Jasmine
With the exhausted words forever"
『風香る 心地良きかな 素馨:ソケイ花』
@"Smell of fragrance, pleasant scent Pink Jasmine flowers''
『玲瓏と 茉莉花の風 香り来る』
@“The fragrance of the grace and the fragrance of Jasmine comes"
@"Wind carries a fragrance of the jasmine blooming like a bell."
@The wind carries the scent of the bellflower blooming Pink Jasmine.
『今を摘み チャンスを掴む 風もある』
@"Carpe Diem, and a chance is grasped, It's also windy."
* Write person: Poetaster : Wado Yabunaka @ English translation: Kazyan
☆ Pink Jasmine
Pink Jasmine is a flower with a gentle gorgeous scent.
It brings a good sleep and relaxation effect.
In the world of perfume, it has an attractive fragrance that is considered one of the three major floral notes along with roses and lilies of the valley.
Hagoromojasmine is commonly seen in Japanese towns, where a lot of small white flowers bloom from April to May.
♡ Flower’s name jasmine is said to be derived from the Persian word "Jasmine" (gift from God).
The scented king is called jasmine, and the scented queen is called rose, a flower used as a raw material for perfume and jasmine tea.
In addition, Marika (Matsurika) is a kind of jasmine and has a strong fragrance, and is also used in jasmine tea, herbal oil, and incense.
The fascinating scent that is addictive also appears in the flower language ⁉︎
♡ First: Please see from the Jasmine series ❣️
Please refer to the Japanese version (^. ^)