Iris germanica/Iris. Iridaceae. Asparagales. Liliopsida. Tracheophyta Commonly called/German iris. bearded iris Native to/Southern Europe. the Mediterranean area Symbolism/Wisdom. Compliments. *Iris/Genus of about 300 species *High,47in(120cm). Wide,39in(10cm) *Each flower has 3 usually large “falls”(pendent or petals). *This iris has become established over time throughout the world, in many parts of Europe and the U.S. *Genus named for the Greek goddess the rainbow. *Specific epithet means of Germany. photographed 1/26. 8:57am 2025 posted 1/27(Monday) 11:45am 2025
Yumiko(California U.S.A) SAMA✨ Good mornevening !🌅🌃 How beautiful the dark blue of Yumiko SAN's German iris photo !💙🌿😄👌 In Japan🇯🇵, German iris flower bloom in early summer, and iris that bloom from January to March is called "寒咲アヤメ(Cold-blooming iris)".🤗😊 I posted the photos of "寒咲アヤメ(Cold-blooming iris)" on GS on January 13th this year, and Today. The flowers look very similar to Yumiko SAN's flower.📸💙🌿🤗📱 Have a nice day with flowers !🌺🏵️🌸🌼🌞✌️
@ Yumiko(Californik…さん Good mornig Thank you fova message Chitly marning 8:57am Splendid a flower Iris germanica Lovele Blue みせていただきながら、ここ滑川市また寒い日に。 Chitly Chitly in the dayti Yumikoさん どうか気配りされて、すてきな暮らしを。🙇🙇🙇🚶
@北アルプスに癒やされながら Good morning 🌞 How is your day~. Walking…I know it’s cold. Here, right now, 13°C. At 6:30am when I leave home for the club (swimming), it’s 4°C. Let’s take care of ourselves. Nice day together! with smile 😊
@フーマ Thank you for a message. Yes…It’s cold and, it’s difficult to see a cute flower now…still I will walk~~and! We will have a nice time together on GS. with smile 😊
@はやとものかず I know…When I broke my wrist 5/11 2024) I did not go to see my doctor. Because I did not hear from Doctor “Don’t drive. Don’t swim. Stay home”😱it was horrible to me. 6 month later, my wrist started getting better. Now fine, but not perfect forever. “udetatehuse” … I can’t do today 😢
How is your day? You are getting better. Go back to your normal routine. Have a nice day! with smile 😊
@はやとものかず 😊I am happy to hear from you 😊 Anyway you are fine/ok👍 I know…When I broke my wrist(5/11 2024), I just😤upset . I had…felt down in the garden. I did not go to see Dr after that. Because he says “don’t drive, don’t swim…”😉 🙅♀️
I hope you feel better and have a normal life comfortably. Have a nice day! I will be with U😊 I am now finally fine.
【no reply】 Yumiko(California U.S.A) SAMA✨ Good mornevening !🌅🌃 How beautiful the dark blue of Yumiko SAN's German iris photo !💙🌿😄👌 In Japan🇯🇵, German iris flower bloom in early summer, and iris that bloom from January to March is called "寒咲アヤメ(Cold-blooming iris)".🤗😊 I posted the photos of "寒咲アヤメ(Cold-blooming iris)" on GS on January 13th & 28th this year. The flowers look very similar to Yumiko SAN's flower.📸💙🌿🤗📱 Have a nice day with flowers !🌺🏵️🌸🌼🌞✌️
@はやとものかず Good morning! How do you feel after coming back from the hospital? Your finger(s)is ok?! I know…I feel my age. I swim at my club. Lap Swimming Pool, the temperature is 79°F at best😨. It’s too cold for us(not only me). During my swimming ~ my fingers become all purple/white(num feeling).
Now I wear ~ 3mm,5mm wetsuit everyday. Our daily thing~ something is not good, we can adjust for the problem,yeah! 🤞
Yes. Actually I broke my wrist on 5/11. 2024 I knew that when I saw my doctor last month. I am fine today.
@Yumiko (California U.S.A) SAMA✨ Thank Yumiko SAN for your "Like" and your comment on my 1/28 re-comment.😄👌 It's really good that now I know the cause.🤔 It's probably a GS system problem.💥 You have not responded to 3 consecutive messages (1/28 9:52〜11:48) including my message.🧐 I can see the messages here in Japan🇯🇵, but you cann't see the messages there in U.S.A🇺🇸.😢 Now it's clear !🙌👍🌞✌️
@はやとものかず Thank you for a message. Yes. I think it’s not good to make our body cold. However I am a swimmer. 💪I have to get rid of this. One hour swimming. And walk to see a flower. Now I will not walk in the rain ☔️. 😢 I hope 🤞 you are getting better. I will be with you. Take care of yourself. 💐
@太陽の塔 I know…sometimes…internet problems. 😕You know, we depend on the internet ~. Once, it doesn’t work, how we can do~?! I see your photos enjoying. 😊
@Yumiko (California U.S.A) SAMA✨ Thank Yumiko SAN for your internet message ! 😄👌 Traditionally, the important things were People, Object, and Money.🤔👤🏗️💰 Now, in addition to these, the Internet is the important thing. Our photos enjoying is thanks to the Internet tool. 📱💻🌞✌️
@Yumiko (California U.S.A) SAMA✨ No,no,we are still young.😄💪 Maiko SAN※ calls men under 70 years old "big-brother", and calls men over 70 years old "father".🤔👱♂️👨🦳 ※ Maiko SAN: female entertainers who perform traditional Japanese music and dances at exclusive parties in Kyoto. Of course, I'm called by a big-brother (Oni-SAN👹).🤭🌞✌️
@Yumiko (California U.S.A) SAMA✨ I got it for Yumiko's message, my cute little sister(Yumiko〜chan) ! 😉👧👩 We are together on GS.📱 Have a nice day with flowers !🌺🌼🌸👆 Fight ! 📣📣📣🌞✌️
@はやとものかず Thank you for a message. For real 😮! It’s so cold at your place. Take care of yourself + your fingers. How is going? Everything is ok! right I know…everyone has something / hip, knee, shoulder, wrist(I had), uncle… Let’s go for today~ I will be with you! with smile 😊
@はやとものかず 👍How nice! I am happy to hear that you have been better ~. Keep going! Unless we our body, our body will become weaker and weaker. (karada o ugokashite)😊 Have a nice day! 🧐I will watch U
@Yumiko (California U.S.A) SAMA✨ Thank Y !🤭👌 "Oni(Devils👹) out ! Yumiko(Happiness👩) in !" This year's Setsubun(節分) was on February 2nd for the first time in 124 years.🫘😋 How many beans did Yumiko〜chan eat ?🫘🍴 Have a nice day ! 🌞✌️
@はやとものかず You are becoming better! Nice I know…we are getting older 😌 (Shikatanashi) I got hurt my left arm on 5/11.2024🥵 Still I do not feel good. I broke the part of my wrist since I fell down in my garden. 😖 Today…I hired the boy to clean/trim~ in my garden. Age~☺️ How are your fingers? I hope you will be better ~. Have a nice day! we will smile 😊 😊
@太陽の塔 Thank you for a message. …I was thinking.., I had a good time in Osaka(…2011~). I was staying at Hilton Osaka. I cross the street, I think, I was enjoying at LUCUA. I had “unagi” at Miyakawa… You know~ I wanted to eat curry 🍛. Yes, there is nice Fast-service restaurant at the back of the hotel. I will go back to Osaka anytime. …long talk~ How are you? Good day together! with smile 😊
@Yumiko (California U.S.A) SAMA✨ Thank Yumiko SAN for your food message ! 😄👌 I also like Unagi(Eel dishes). Grilled eel is a popular dish in Japan. Especially I like Unagi over rice in a box.😋🤗✌️ Eel dishes are different in Kanto and Kansai.🤔 Kanto people steam and grilled the eel. On the other hand, Kansai people only grill the eel. I like Kanto style.😊 Which style do Yumiko SAN like ? 🤭👌 In the Kansai region, the belly of the eel is cut open, while in the Kanto region, the ell is cut open on the back.🔪😱 People in the Kanto region dislike "bell cut" because it reminds them of Seppuku (切腹).🗡️🩸💥 I like Indian food and curry. Especially I like tandoori chicken. 🐓🔥 .... so long talk? Long Tall Sally ! 〜Good day sunshine !🤭🌞✌️
@はやとものかず I am happy to hear that. You are getting better!💕 You have this thing, I have that thing. 😌 AGE! 😖right?! It’s still cold, keep having you warm! Good day together. with smile 😊
@太陽の塔 😁nice message! Lol~ You know very well about the difference between Kanto-Unagi and Osaka-Unagi. 👨🎓 I like both of them. How is your day? It’s still cold. Keep being yourself warm and ~ go for tomorrow! Have a great day. with smile 😊
@Yumiko (California U.S.A) SAMA✨ Thank Yumiko SAN for your Lol message !😄🤗🤣 Do Yumiko SAN know Japan's "Unagi of Naruse(成瀬の鰻)".🤔 I've never eaten it either, the eel dish is very delicious and seem to be cheep.👌 Because cost reductions through improveed cooking efficiency, reduced labor costs, and location selection, etc.✌️ I would like to go there to eat it.😋🌞 Have a nice day with delicious dishes !🥘🍴🍽️🍺🍾🥳🙌
@はやとものかず I know…it’s unusual weather in the world. Too hot in the summer, Too cold in the Winter. (doushita koto deshyou) I hope your finger is getting better. Let’s have a good day together! 😊
@太陽の塔 Thank you for a message. lovely We will talk about a lot~ any kind ~ I am happy to talk to you. Every day is coming. We will go 💪 Have a good day! 😊
@はやとものかず Thank you for a message. I am happy to hear that your fingers are well. My wrist, it happened 5/11 2024 in my garden😖. Still I feel not good. It’s my life, probably. Watch out. Once we fall down ~ break our bones ~🥺 Let’s keep being healthy, no accident.
Commonly called/German iris. bearded iris
Native to/Southern Europe. the Mediterranean area
Symbolism/Wisdom. Compliments.
*Iris/Genus of about 300 species
*High,47in(120cm). Wide,39in(10cm)
*Each flower has 3 usually large “falls”(pendent or petals).
*This iris has become established over time throughout the world, in many parts of Europe and the U.S.
*Genus named for the Greek goddess the rainbow.
*Specific epithet means of Germany.
photographed 1/26. 8:57am 2025
posted 1/27(Monday) 11:45am 2025