Plumbago auriculata/Plumbago. Plumbaginaceae. Caryophyllales. Magnoliopsida. Tracheophyta Common name/Cape plumbago. Sky flower Native to/South Africa. Mozambique Symbolism/Perseverance. Hope. Purity and elegance *Genus of 10-15 species *Oblong of oblong-spoon shaved leaves, 1 1/2-3in(4-8cm)long *Light sky-blue flowers *The name ‘Plumbago’ comes from the Latin word “plumbum” which means lead. *Pllumbago auriculata was named by Lamarck in 1786 in the East Indies. Photographed 1/2 9:39am 2025 Posted 1/3(Friday) 11:52am 2025
@ひろみ Thank you for a message. I do walk for one hour…3 times a week today. I see nice/ cute ladies ~ How are you? We will go for nice 2025! Have a great day. with smile 😊
@デュランサ Thank you for a message. Sorry 😕you feel not good…take care of yourself. Energy 💪will cover up! Have a Vitamin, fruit… I will see you tomorrow ~. 😊
I had a cold from two days ago. Eat lots of mandarin oranges to replenish your vitamins. Thanks to the oranges, things have gotten much better. I'm fine and energetic. I'm sorry to have worried you🐰💗
@デュランサ …I am sorry 😢 because you became sick. I hope you will be back normal as soon as possible. It’s the Influenza season. Let’s take care of ourselves. I will see you~ go for today and tomorrow! 💪
After the New Year, I felt relieved, but it seems like I caught a cold.🤧😷 The doctor's visit started today and I was examined. I'm sorry to hear that you didn't have the flu or coronavirus.🙏🏻 🐰💗
@ Yumiko (California…さん Good morning Thank you fova message Splendid Color a flower Plumbago auriculata みせていただき、ありがとうございます。 Winter Chitly in the dayti Walking 🎶ゆっくり🎶 Yumiko さん Chitly tim 気配りされて すてきな暮らしを。🙇🙇🙇🚶
@デュランサ How nice! I am happy you are getting better ❤️🩹. Take care of yourself, keep you warm, eat nice ones/Fruits and vegetables…Calcium (Yogurt/Cheese)… Have a nice day! with smile😊
@デュランサ Good! Warm food…stew, miso-soup with vegetables! I do everyday. Cauliflower, eggplant 🍆, tofu…make a miso soup, or chicken stock soup. Have a nice day! with smile 😊
@ケーキ Thank you for a message. You live in cold place! Good. Stay home and make a warm food to eat. My graveyard is in Hakodate. I call them to say hello. I love snow ⛄️ Have a great day! with smile 😊
Every day I make miso soup with daikon radish, wakame fried tofu, and green onion tofu. Nowadays, I sometimes eat zoni, a simple food with komatsuna and dashi soup. 🐰💗
@デュランサ Thank you for a message. Me,too! I like radish(daikon), zucchini, cauliflower and eggplant 🍆 and cabbage. Make a soup and eat every day. I am not a vegetarian. But I do not eat ham, sausage, bacon. long talk~. We will have a nice day together! with our smiles 😊😊
Soup with radish, zucchini, cauliflower, eggplant, and cabbage She makes vegetable soup every day and is healthy and vegetarian. Is it nutritionally balanced and can I eat meat for dinner? The breakfast menu is healthy. 🐰💗
@デュランサ Thank you for a message. We will control what we eat. Vegetable, Fruit. ~~ I am not a nutritionist. We will be ok! Have a good day. with smile 😊
Common name/Cape plumbago. Sky flower
Native to/South Africa. Mozambique
Symbolism/Perseverance. Hope. Purity and elegance
*Genus of 10-15 species
*Oblong of oblong-spoon shaved leaves, 1 1/2-3in(4-8cm)long
*Light sky-blue flowers
*The name ‘Plumbago’ comes from the Latin word “plumbum” which means lead.
*Pllumbago auriculata was named by Lamarck in 1786 in the East Indies.
Photographed 1/2 9:39am 2025
Posted 1/3(Friday) 11:52am 2025