Delphinium elatum/Delphinium. Ranunculaceae. Ranunclulales. Magnoliopsida. Tracheophyta Commomly called/Alpine delphinium. Candle larkspur Native to/Asia. Europe Symbolism/Cheerfulness. Goodwill. Protection Flower blooming time/early to mid summer *Genus of about 250 species. *The basal leaves, mostly to 8in(20cm)long. *Flowers, 3-4in(8-10cm)wide. *The species name in Latin ‘elatus’ means “tall,while delphis” which means dolfins,refers to the shape of its flower buds. Photographed 9/19 8:59am 2024 Posted 9/20(Friday) 11:57am 2024
@がっちゃん Thank you. I walked ~teku teku ~ The house lady saw and called me, “ I will show you cute one blooming in the back(garden)” ☺️ I saw this lady. I thanked her. Every time when I go out for walking ~ I can see my town people. Friendship How is your day? You do well, working and have a good time with in your garden! Awesome 👏 Keep going! Be nice to your wife😊! Good day together.
@フーマ Thank you for a message. I walk 2~3 times of the week. It’s enjoyable to see a cute lady. We have a nice friendship on GS. Have a great day! with smile 😊
@キャラ Thank you for a message. We are together on GS. It’s still hot~ we here it’s getting cooler and Autumn 🍂 has come. Let’s have a good day! with smile 😊
@がっちゃん Thank you. My friends here are all seniors. Probably I am the youngest. How nice ! Going out with your wife! We will enjoy our partnership(husband &wife). ✌️ Have a great day! 😊
@とくさん Thank you for a message. I would like to walk and see a cute lady two days a week. (teku~teku~) walk! I hope you see your good ones. Let’s have a nice day together. with smile 😊
@ Yumiko (Californig U.S.A ) さん Good mornig Thank you fova message a tome of co Lovey Blue a flower Delphinium elatum みせていただき、ありがとうございます。 ☺ Yumiko さん まだまだ暑い日中 ここ滑川市にて、朝方の秋のけはいに、出逢いながら…。 🎶Marning Autumn🎶 歩いています。 すてきな秋を。🙇🙇🙇🚶
@北アルプスに癒やされながら Thank you for a message. lovely 😊 Here Autumn 🍂 has come. It’s cool/cold in the morning. I will wear jacket soon. (now wearing sweater). We are together on GS. Have a great day! with smile 😊 😊
Commomly called/Alpine delphinium. Candle larkspur
Native to/Asia. Europe
Symbolism/Cheerfulness. Goodwill. Protection
Flower blooming time/early to mid summer
*Genus of about 250 species.
*The basal leaves, mostly to 8in(20cm)long.
*Flowers, 3-4in(8-10cm)wide.
*The species name in Latin ‘elatus’ means “tall,while delphis” which means dolfins,refers to the shape of its flower buds.
Photographed 9/19 8:59am 2024
Posted 9/20(Friday) 11:57am 2024