Cereus hexagonus/Cereus. Cactaceae. Caryophyllales. Magnoliopsida. Tracheophyta Commonly called/Lady of the night cactus. Queen-of-the-night Native to/Northern South America Found in/Ecuador and Venezuela *Genus os about 25 soecies of tree-like or columnar cacti. *The cactus is one of the tallest growing cacti in cultivation, reaching up to 10m without aid. *Flower/White 20-25cm long, its tube slender, 10cm long. *First described by Carl Linnaneus in his 1753 work. *The name ‘cereus’ comes from a book by Tabernaemontanus and refers to the candle-like shape of Cereus hexagonus Photographed 6/23 8:39am 2024 Posted 6/24(Monday) 12:15pm 2024
@がっちゃん How nice. You have been taking care of yours. Respect I am just ‘stop-by-photographer’. I hope 🤞 you will go for this hobby in your life. you are great. 😊
@ラスカル What happened! You have a great skill~and work. (ningen-kankei)…You are normal. Every one this and has stressed for working. ‘Positive’…in those days…in 2000~ I couldn’t have a positive way to go, and I retired when I was 49 years old. …I wish I could talk to you more~
@スイート Thank you. I talked the lady(house person). She said “I can see this one today since last year. 10 years ~ I was waiting”. Good story! Let’s go for a good day together! with smile 😊
@ラスカル I got your message…so, what is your point? You want(need)to work now. Just show, I feel you are looking nice guy. “Positive”. That’s it! If you feel retirement! It’s the another way. Life is just once. How is your day? Let’s go for a good day together! with smile 😊
@ゆり Thank you for a message. lovely Yes. My Left wrist is becoming better. Still I feel handicap left hand.(Shikatanashi). We will have a good time together on GS. with smile 😊
@がっちゃん I have been enjoying your photos with your comments. 👍 Keep going! Lots of people like yours. I will be with you. Good day together’ with smile 😊
@ラスカル I understand you say. Just avoid to have a stress when you work.(no sense). Right, you need to get income. Change the place to work 🤞I like that. Go for~. Application, set up! Life is such a kind ~ . ‘Positive’ I like you to go for~ I will be with you. Talk to me anytime. Have a great day. with smile 😊
@ラスカル I understand. Like I said, you will go for whatever you want to ~ change the place to work, to see the different people to work~… 💪positive! I will cheer you up ⬆️ Good day together! with smile 😊
@ラスカル Great! Sounds good. I like your challenge spirit! Once you get the license, you will be ok. Life … is till long and winding road ~. Happy life with positive way to look for the future! I am happy to hear of your idea to go from today. Life is 👍 Good! LG
Commonly called/Lady of the night cactus. Queen-of-the-night
Native to/Northern South America
Found in/Ecuador and Venezuela
*Genus os about 25 soecies of tree-like or columnar cacti.
*The cactus is one of the tallest
growing cacti in cultivation, reaching up to 10m without aid.
*Flower/White 20-25cm long, its tube slender, 10cm long.
*First described by Carl Linnaneus in his 1753 work.
*The name ‘cereus’ comes from a book by Tabernaemontanus and refers to the candle-like shape of Cereus hexagonus
Photographed 6/23 8:39am 2024
Posted 6/24(Monday) 12:15pm 2024