Pelargonium x domesticum/Pelargonium. Geraniaceae. Geraniales. Magnoliopsida. Tracheophyta Commonly called/Martha Washington geraniums Native to/South Africa. Australia Symbolism/Hapiness. Friendship. Goodhealth *Discovered in South Africa, the first geranium plants, Zpelagonium triste, quickly gained acceptance in England in the 17th century. *Its name from the resemblance of the shape of the fruit to the beak of a stork, pelargos in Greek. Photographed 12/9 10:04am 2023 Posted 12/11(Monday) 12:07pm 2023
Dear Yumiko, It's been a while since you showed me all the beautiful and rare flowers. It's been a while. I was unable to comment due to a problem with my smartphone. I've been busy with cleaning and other things for just over two weeks this year. I'm feeling a little tired
@トンチャン Thank you for a message. lovely I know…sometimes when we are busy~we will go for the first, second…things. You know we GS friends are always waiting for you. 🤙 Not to be busy in your mind. Take it easy a day…I say…by myself ! Have a great day! with smiles 😊
@がっちゃん Thank you. Yes, when I saw this lady… I just came closer to her and was with her for a while. Actually speaking, it’s still dry(supposed to be rainy season) and all flowers and trees have been dried. Still…I walk and see a cute lady. How is your day? You have now got new working day of the week. It’s great yeah! 🤙 Keep going! 😊
@XV Thank you for a message. I have just watched your photos in October. Nice ones! You go hiking ~ walking~. How nice! Respect ✊ We will have a good time together on GS. with smile 😊
@Green Rosshi Nice to see you,too! Yes. He is very popular in U.S.A. I am proud that he is a hero in 🇯🇵. We will have a good time on GS. Have a great day! with smile 😊
@とくさん Thank you for a message. …you said ~ “you made my day”~ we say in English. (arigatou gozaimasu). Let’s have a nice time together on GS! with our smiles 😊😊
@糸でんわ☏ You are welcome. I know…we like eating and sleeping. You like fish. me, too. I mainly eat chicken & fish/lots of vegetables & some fruits. We will have a good time on GS. Have a great day! with smile 😊
@キャロル You are welcome. Thank you,too! Yes. I thought so,too when I saw this lady. Every day is coming. Let’s go for today and tomorrow together! Have a great day. with 😊
@ Yumiko(California U.S.A) さん Good morning Thank you fova message Splendid a tome of co lovely color Plrple a flower twilight みせていただき、ありがとうございます。 Yumikoさん そろそろ Merry Xmas and Have a happy SU BA RA SI I 日々に。 🎶lun~KI DA A RU BU SU~lun🎶 朝方畦道 Walkingの日々。 🙏🙏🙏🚶
@XV You are always welcome. Yes. I saw the news about Mr.Syouhei Otani. Actually I am not baseball ⚾️ watcher. However I am happy he will work on my living state(California). You are a baseball watcher. How nice! Once I was watching Japanese baseball(1974~around). Long time ago! Nice to talk to you. Have a great day! with smile😊
@糸でんわ☏ 🤙let’s go for a nice day together! with our smiles 😊😊 * I like your name ‘ito denwa’…when I was a little girl, I tried to make it(ito denwa). Yes. I made it, I remembered.
@がっちゃん How nice. I am happy to hear that you feel much better for your new working system. 🤙 (yattane)! You had enough energy and status at your working place and you had made this way. Still you are the important person at your company. Don’t forget about that. Keep being working working well-better-best! ✊ Everyday is coming. with smile 😊
@XV I am happy to talk to you. English? No worries. You studied English for 6 years when you were…young?! We will have a nice time on GS. Have a great day! with smile 😊
@糸でんわ☏ Yes. Always. I like your posted name ‘itodenwa’! …I remember when I was a elementary school time, we made it and had a good time. (hontouni kikoeru).
We will have a nice time together on GS. 🤙 Have a great day! 😊
@糸でんわ☏ Thank you for a message. That’s right. New year makes us one year older! 😉 Still we will keep being healthy and go! Have a great day! with smile 😊
Commonly called/Martha Washington geraniums
Native to/South Africa. Australia
Symbolism/Hapiness. Friendship. Goodhealth
*Discovered in South Africa, the first geranium plants, Zpelagonium triste, quickly gained acceptance in England in the 17th century.
*Its name from the resemblance of the shape of the fruit to the beak of a stork, pelargos in Greek.
Photographed 12/9 10:04am 2023
Posted 12/11(Monday) 12:07pm 2023