@訳意;The moon of the sixteenth night;Izayoinotsuki before dawn shone, and Jupiter also illuminated the "Satoyama;fields and mountain village" beside it and saw a beautiful scene.
✍️Works:Poetaster Kazyan // 筍歌人;藪中和堂
Artistic:🌕16th night Hunter’s moon & ✨Jupiter October 31,2023:past 04:45’;📱shooting October 31,2023:past am 10:10’;upload by Kazyan’s Green Studio
「朝まだき 十六夜:いざよいの月 輝るよしに
木星添いて 里山照らす」
@訳意;The moon of the sixteenth night;Izayoinotsuki before dawn shone, and Jupiter also illuminated the "Satoyama;fields and mountain village" beside it and saw a beautiful scene.
✍️Works:Poetaster Kazyan // 筍歌人;藪中和堂
Artistic:🌕16th night Hunter’s moon & ✨Jupiter
October 31,2023:past 04:45’;📱shooting
October 31,2023:past am 10:10’;upload
by Kazyan’s Green Studio