These are the stars this year in my garden. I'm gonna try in three pots: a yellow pot, a blue pot, and a red pot. All three pots have different fertilizers, so I will test to see if there is a difference in growth.
The red pot is a slit square from the collaboration product with Karmen-kun to see also the difference in growth.
Pansy Ciel Briere.
These are the stars this year in my garden.
I'm gonna try in three pots: a yellow pot, a blue pot, and a red pot.
All three pots have different fertilizers, so I will test to see if there is a difference in growth.
The red pot is a slit square from the collaboration product with Karmen-kun to see also the difference in growth.
#garden #pansy #cielbriere #ガーデニング #パンジー #パンジーシエルブリエ #マグァンプK #ダイナミックス10 #有機肥料匠 #ミリオン #珪酸塩白土 #スリットポット #カーメン君