Convolvulus arvensis/Convolvulus. Convolvulaceae. Solanales. Magnoliopsida. Tracheophyta. Called/The field bindweed. Hedge bindweed * the morning glory family Native to/Europe. Asia. North America Symbolism/Encouraging birth *Definitions/Weakly climbing European perennial with white and pink flowers. *As an effective competitor for soil moisture, it outcompetes native plants species amd reduces crop yield. Photo 7/20 9:21am 2023
Hello Yumiko The news of the heat wave in California is being broadcast on TV. It's a deadly temperature of 132℉ in Death Valley Extreme heat in Europe Extreme weather all over the world
Now I'm healed by seeing Yumiko's morning glories May happiness reach Yumiko today as well
@みいみいくるくる Thank you for a message. I know…(asagao,hirugao)…interesting! We show our photos each other and have a nice time together. Let’s go for today! with smile 😊
@みっちゃん Thank you a message. That’s right. Amazing ! …it’s 39°C outside. It’s becoming hot in the entire world. global warming(chikyuu ondanka) We will go for this hot summer 👊 Have a great day! with smile 😊
@たかまる Ghana you for a message. I look for white flowers all the time. Yes! Not really white ~. I am happy to see her. She was blooming very quiet alone. Another(her friends) are blooming together~. I like a lonely lady. Let’s have a nice day! with smile 😊
@Lucas Nice to see you. We are living in the different country. However we still communicate and have a good time together! I hope you will work well in Spain(Madrid). Life is just once☝️ …go for your best life time now! Have a great day! with smile 😊
@がっちゃん I thought so,too. It’s the in this world. Infinity ♾️!! We show our photos. Enjoyable How was your weekend? Happy birthday to your sons 💐 You are great father for them 💐 Nice day together! See U
@がっちゃん Yes. You are! Respect I miss my father for a long time. I lost him when I was 8 years old. He passed away at his hospital(grandpa’s) Memory ~ long time a go~ Still I love my father 💕for ever. That’s why I liked to be with aged men when I was 20’s. …long story~ I hope you have a good work(not so much job, ‘don’t worry’). Finish, go home and have nice Beer & shyouchu. 👍 Nice to talk to you again~! 😊 I will go to my garden and be with my roses for a while. See you tomorrow! 😊😊
@がっちゃん Everyday is a nice day! LG Your energy comes from your family with your wife’s good food + nice beer & Shyouchu! 👊 Weekend is coming! Happy😊 See U !
@がっちゃん 👍some suggestions from your boss. I hope you will be happy to hear of his idea. We will see it~🤞 Be strong. Not to be “Yes Man”!…as you know~☺️ Have a good day!
@がっちゃん Great! I am happy to hear that. You have decided to go for your new status at your company. 💫 congrats! …you know…I told you before~ you have already done your task till today. From now ~you work well comfortably. Keep being strong with your status. Good information/time worker treatment. I like that. Can I say that money is coming after after we have done. It doesn’t matter. Just ¥~ will the results. Main thing is~keep controlling our mind healthy. 🤞 We will see~. I hope you will be more comfortable to have a day. *😅sorry I missed spelling last time 5/40hours. Ok. Time worker still needs insurance treatment. Need to work more than … 32hours~21hours. This info came from U.S.A 😁long talk ~. Because I got a good info about you. I will talk to you later.
Called/The field bindweed. Hedge bindweed * the morning glory family
Native to/Europe. Asia. North America
Symbolism/Encouraging birth
*Definitions/Weakly climbing European perennial with white and pink flowers.
*As an effective competitor for soil moisture, it outcompetes native plants species amd reduces crop yield.
Photo 7/20 9:21am 2023