Hyponex "Tree to soil" Investigation with snow-miku petunia. It's growing very much! Vigorous growth. I think it is more vigorous than MEIKO Petunia planted in regular soil. Note that this is just a reference for comparison since the petunia varieties are not same ones.
Hyponex "Tree to soil"
Investigation with snow-miku petunia.
It's growing very much! Vigorous growth.
I think it is more vigorous than MEIKO Petunia planted in regular soil.
Note that this is just a reference for comparison since the petunia varieties are not same ones.
#garden #hyponex #hyponextreetosoil #petunia #ガーデニング #栽培検証 #ハイポネックス木から生まれた土 #ペチュニア #雪ミクペチュ #meikoペチュ