Osteospermum ecklonis/Osteospermum. Asteraceae. Asterales. Magnoliopsida. Tracheophyta Known as/Cape marguerite. African daisy(has a Greek origin) Native to/South Aftica Language of flowers/Love. Joy. New life Symbolism/Cheerfulness. Purity. Loyal love. Acceptance of changes *African Daisy Flower holds spiritual significance in many religions and spiritual practices. Photo 5/28 9:38am 2023
@ドラチャン Thank you. Yes! She is brilliant with the best friend(the sun). 😊 Impressed in the nature. We will have a nice day together. See you. with smile
@がっちゃん You think, so. me,too! You know I focus that part mainly. How much I can show it clearly… Not perfect, but…I will learn everyday. Have a great day! with smile 😊
@ぴょんこ Thank you for a message. You can buy…how nice! Here, we do not have a place to get the flowers ~. Only nature. It depends ~ I had enjoyed my roses in my garden. Now~ busy~ trim. And take care of them. 😊 let’s have a nice day together! with smile
@キャラ Thank you for a message. Yes. We have a rainy season…not so long, not so much rain(comparing with Japan). We now in dry-season. No rain till September. 🤞 Nature in the different country/place. Still I remember…I took train to go to my school/college in the rainy season. ☔️☂️ Have a great day! with smile 😊
@キャラ Thank you for a message. That’s right. Everywhere in the world, we may have disasters. Typhoon, Earthquake…we may have Wild fire(shizen-kasai). Because it’s too dry. Till September ~. Let’s take care of ourselves and have a nice day together! with smile 😊
@キャラ Thank you for a message. Yes, I will take care of my circumstances on this season. In Japan,Typhoon#2…I hope the people had not got severe situation. 🤞 keep fingers crossed! Have a nice day! We are together. with smile 😊
Magnoliopsida. Tracheophyta
Known as/Cape marguerite. African daisy(has a Greek origin)
Native to/South Aftica
Language of flowers/Love. Joy. New life
Symbolism/Cheerfulness. Purity. Loyal love. Acceptance of changes
*African Daisy Flower holds spiritual significance in many religions and spiritual practices.
Photo 5/28 9:38am 2023