Cultivational investigation w/ Hyponex Trees to soil. Actually I havd 2 Petunia pots waiting for planting -> I'll try the investigation with them. Snow Miku is planted in the tree of soil, and MEIKO is done by the normal soil. Each in a 18cm pots. The same amount of magamp K are added. (the label says that the trees to soil already has specialized fine magamp mixed in it.)
Cultivational investigation w/ Hyponex Trees to soil.
Actually I havd 2 Petunia pots waiting for planting -> I'll try the investigation with them.
Snow Miku is planted in the tree of soil, and MEIKO is done by the normal soil.
Each in a 18cm pots.
The same amount of magamp K are added.
(the label says that the trees to soil already has specialized fine magamp mixed in it.)
#garden #hyponex #hyponextreetosoil #petunia #ガーデニング #ハイポネックス #ハイポネックス木から生まれた土 #栽培実験 #雪ミクペチュ #MEIKOペチュ