@"The villa garden is full of flowers, the loquat trees are bearing green fruits, and the wild cherry blossoms are in full bloom at the edge of the upper mountain." 大意;別荘の庭は花たちでいっぱいで、枇杷の木はあおい実を結び、山の端には山桜が満開です。
✍️Works:Poetaster Kazyan//筍歌人;藪中和堂 Artistic:Cherry & Azalea Mar14,2023:past 13:00’;📱shooting Mar14,2023:past 19:30’;upload by Kazyan’s Green Studio
🌸 ツツジ:ミヤマキリシマ:深山霧島躑躅:Kyushu Azalea
🌸大島桜:Oshima cherry blossoms: Cerasus speciosa(学名)
🌺赤い花桃:Red flower peach
🍃枇杷の葉とあおい実:Loquat leaves and green fruits
🌸山桜:Mountain cherry blossoms
@"The villa garden is full of flowers,
the loquat trees are bearing green fruits,
and the wild cherry blossoms are in full bloom at the edge of the upper mountain."
✍️Works:Poetaster Kazyan//筍歌人;藪中和堂
Artistic:Cherry & Azalea
Mar14,2023:past 13:00’;📱shooting
Mar14,2023:past 19:30’;upload
by Kazyan’s Green Studio