






Yumiko (California U.S.A)さんのsweet,Lovely Whiteの投稿画像

Pyrus calleryana Dence/Pyrus. Rosaceae. Rosales
Magnoliopsida. Tracheophyta
Commonly called/Callery pear
Native/China. Taiwan. Vietnum
Symbolism/Purity. Longevity. Immortality
*Callery pear is dense, pyramidal, ornamental, broadleaf deciduous tree that grow up to 50 feet tall and 20~35 feet wide.
Phoyo 2/18 11:28am 2023
Yumiko san.
Good afternoon.
Wow! This is the first time I've seen this tree🌳. The white five petaled flower is very dainty. and look like cherry blossoms and be cute. Thank you for posting nice photo. Have a happy day. with 😊.


Lovely white flowers. Beautiful.


nice to meet you ✨✨

your close-up photo is nice👍💕

Thanks for your occasional likes

on my photos •*¨*•.¸♬︎

(ꇐ_ꇐ(ꈍ_ꈍ(ꇐ_ꇐ(ꈍ_ꈍ 💕(/// ^///)💕


come again 𓂃🎀𓈒𓏸𓂃🎀𓈒𓏸

Japan is getting warmer and warmer.
Thank you. I saw your photo everyday.
Nice! We have a good time together.
with smile 👍
Thank you. This tree with flowers is next next from my house. I had waiting for a long time to see them and take pics. It’s the time.😊
In my garden, only strong roses(2~3),
How is your (Kuromatsu)?! Lovely
We will have a nice time together.
Have a good new week! with smile
Thank you. I see this tree all the time.
Now only this time, she shows up!
She looks like to say to me”How do I look? Thanks for waiting for one year”
…I talked to the tree”Yes, welcome back! Lovely”. 💕
How is your day? New week~
You show nice one! Impressed
Have a great day. with smile
@Yumiko (California U.S.A) san.

Thanks for always commenting.
Have a nice day. with smile.😊✌️
Thank you. I had been waiting for this trees flowers blooming for a year.
Finally! Once a year~for a while.
I saw your post(2/18) (Nazuna/Penpengusa). Let me tell one episode.
Backing to 1964~5(not sure which year)…My elementary school had one big visitor whose name is Co prime misister Mr. Eisaku Sato. He visited my class and was watching a class with our parents. My teacher showed and asked one picture(Nazuna). He asked to us “ ok~ what name is this? Somebody knows?” I immediately stood up and answered “Penpengusa desu”!
All parents(probably Mt. Sato,too) had a big laugh.
🙃I couldn’t understand why they laughed. I asked to my mother after that.
She explained to me. Real name and nickname. Cute story I do not forget.
I still remember a memory when I was 6~7 years old.
Life will be still continued!
Let’s have a nice life. Positively smiling
Something new thing is coming to us and it will leads us to be better!
Have a great day. See you tomorrow
Thank you. 👍 Good day together!
@Yumiko (California U.S.A) さん、佐藤栄作当時首相に会って会話したのですね‼️凄いですね😳✨✨✨
Thank you for a comment.
I saw your photos(1/11~). Nice ones!
You have a cute friend…almost 80 years old. Take care of him(her)and have a nice day! We will have a good time on GS together. with smile
Thank you, too. I watched your photos.
Interesting I will still watch yours~
Have a great day! with smile
😊yes, my place,too. Wearing a jacket instead of a coat here.
Spring is coming soon. Excited!
Nice day together. with smile
🤛go for today! Have a good day!
@Yumiko (California U.S.A)

smile(๑>ᴗ<๑) is free(˘ω˘≡˘ω˘) 😍

Enjoy your GS Life👍💕💕

That’s nice. I will tell you~ I did not feel good yesterday. It’s very rare.
Upset stomach ~I almost go to see my doctor…I feel better today.
You know…age! 🥲
Still everyday is coming. Go !
I hope you have a good day!
See U . with smile
Yes😊 I hope you work well, eat good,
Sleep nicely. 1.2.3~ and keep going our hobbies, yeah?!
Nice to talk to you. Have a great day!
with smile
He was just in my class. No talked at all. After I got older I saw the pictures,
My memories came back. In those days we were poor in Japan.
Well ~ I will take a rest.
See you tomorrow
Have a nice day! with smile
@Yumiko (California U.S.A) さん、ええ。また明日➰👋😃
Thank you for a comment.
Definitely Yes! We will have a nice time together on GS.
You have two friends. Cute!
It’s nice to take care of them. They are happy to be with you.😊
Have a good day ! with smile
Thank you,too. 👌go for today!
@Yumiko (California U.S.A) ✨✨


thankyouー(/// ^///)💖

I hava pet 👍



again 🤭💖🤭
Thank you. I hear from you like this, I feel better. I do not know why ~
I thought I would go to see my doctor,
however I will not. I know~ Dr. will answer to me “I don’t know~sorry”🥲
That’s the physiological problem.
No doctor, no medicines!
Only how I try to control my mind.
I think this happens for everyone.
Everyday is coming! I will for it.
Nice to talk to. I hope you will have a nice afternoon and evening. See U😊
Sorry talking about old memory story.
In 1964, Tokyo Olympic was the big year in Japan. After that we were feeling better. Colored TV, Cooler(Air conditions),refrigerator!!!
It was excited economy in Japan.
We are happy today. However we have to pay to have a good condition to live in. Let’s go! 👍 See U
Lovely Thank you.
We will have a nice time together!
Have a good day. with smile 😊


@Yumiko (California U.S.A) さん、私が生まれる前年ですね😉
Thank you for your warm comment.
Yes I am getting better. No stomachache. Unless I have stomachache, I will be ok.
I still have to think about~with my age
today. 🧐 (doushimashou-korekara)desu 🐶
I am an only child. My mother is now 92 years old. She says to me to come back to Japan. It’s very difficult for me to figure out now.
Sorry talking too much.
To be continued ~.
I hope you have a good day. with smile 😊
Thank you, too. Let’s have a good time together. Have a nice day! with smile
Exactly! After that~ our life has been changed. Till we got microwave.
Calculator! My mother decided to retire when this one(caricatures)came up. ‘ my job is over’. She said
Life is such an interesting ~
We still will go for it~. Enjoyable/hope
To talk to you soon
@Yumiko (California U.S.A) さん、電子レンジは凄くて、いろんな機能が付いてるけど、結局はお弁当を温めるのが多くて、結局は料理は手作り(女房が😋)だね。
Nice comment! That’s right. Time has been changed. When I was a little girl,
“Yomi-Kaki-Soroban” + Piano. In early 1970s.
Today we have lots of comfortable mechanical things. Air conditioning, microwave, even all devices!
Happy life with mechanical thing.
And we need to be happy in our mind.😊 Talk to you soon.
Thank you. I am now thinking~a lot~
Moving out here and stay in Guam and Hakodate. 😵‍💫 too much thinking ~
Anyway it’s coming to me soon.
My mother is 92years old. I am an only child. From now~ long story ~
I will talk to you next time.
*our life is just once. We need to find our comfortable life. 😊 with smile




I love swimming and walking.
