






Yumiko (California U.S.A)さんのRainy day ☔️,Lovely colorの投稿画像

Viola cornuta/Viola. Violaceae. Malpighiales. Magnoliopsida. Tracheophyta.
Place of origin/Pyrenee mountains. Spain
Flower language/Think of me. Faithful.
Sincere love
Photo 12/30 9:43am 2022



Hello. yumiko san.
It's viola season right now.
There are many blooms here.
and it's suitable for winter flowers💐.
Have a nice day.with smile😃.
Thank you, yan san!
This morning, after my swimming ~ it was raining so hard ~ … I wore rain jacket and pant pants and walked.
I stopped at one house. They know me well. I was there for 15 minutes ~ . Finally I posted ☝️ one for today.
Probably I will go back again.
It will be 2023 soon. We will make a nice year. Happy year! with smile 😊
Yumiko さん。
I,m surprised by the news of the cold weather in America.
Thank you for this year.
Have a good year!
@Yumiko (California U.S.A) さん

The viola was in the group planting that I received 😅
I decided to grow it 🌸😅

I 'm happy because I met yumiko.
It will be 2023 soon.
We will make a enjoy and nice year.
Happy new year! with smile😀






2022.12.31. 19:40 YOKOHAMA Japan

It's almost time for the new year.
Thank you for all the flowers.
I can't wait to see what kind of flowers I can see in 2023.

Thank you for your comment.
Definitely, we will have a good time on this GS. Talk about anything!
We will keep on going our friendship!
🥳 Happy New Year! with smile
🥳 Happy New Year!
We will have a good time together with our photos and have a nice communication each other. Let’s go on 2023! with smile 😊
Thank you. It’s raining ☔️ now.
I like this season…however I need the flowers in the sun,too. with smile 😊
Have a great day!
@Yumiko (California U.S.A) さん💖



“Kuromatsu” great!
(Hottoshimasu)desu 🐶
There are hundreds of pine trees 🌲 in Japan~ I guess. You keep your nice garden! Impressed
Let’s go for having a good time together! with smile 😊

Happy New Year!
Yes. It’s rarely cold at my place in California. Right now…it has been raining…so it’s better. However I become wet all the time to see flowers!
Life is good! LG
We will keep going on GS.
Have a great day! with smile
Happy New Year !
I hope you have a nice day.
We will go on to show our photos and enjoy together. Let’s go ~2023!
with smile 😊
How nice! Viola & Panji~ size small or larger… You know…it’s raining ☔️.
I like this season however once for a while I need a flower with the sun ☀️.
…we will see tomorrow! See U
with smile 😊
Happy New Year!
Thank you. My lovely place “Hakodate”
I have some friends at your place.
My graveyard is also at your place,too.
When I stay, I swim at city swimming pool. Great pool they have.(50 meters)
We will show our photos each other and enjoy together. And talk together!
Have a great day! with smile 😊
🥳Happy New Year!
We will go for our enjoyable time on GS. Let’s have a nice time together 2023. with smile
Happy New Year!
Thank you. I saw your photos. Nice ones. We show our photos each other and enjoy together.
Have a good day! with smile
Happy New Year!
I hope you have a good time.
We will have a nice time on GS.
Let’s go for 2023! with smile 😊
@もぐjuh (もぐじゆう)花の観賞
Happy New Year!
I hope you are having good time.
We will have soon.
It’s nothing special for me.
I will make (nabe/seafood,touhu,kimchee…) I made (nimono/hasu,Satoimo,ninjin,shiitake,,,)
We will show our photos and have a good time together. Let’s go 2023~
@Yumiko (California U.S.A) The big pansies are gorgeous 🌸
The little violas are cute 🌸
There are intermediate ones these days 🌸
Everything is beautiful and cute 🌸😍
@Yumiko (California U.S.A) さま

2023.1.1. 16:28 YOKOHAMA Japan

I would like to spend this year as well while being healed by the flowers.
I am also looking forward to Yumiko's photo posting.

@Yumiko (California U.S.A) さん

Happy New Year!
I just watched your photos (May 10th~17th). Enjoyable
I feel Spring. We will have a good time to see our photos and talk.
Let’s go for 2023! 👍 with smile
Tremendously! (Suteki desu)🐶
Still I do not forget your hand made snowman ⛄️! in 2022
Shall we go for the great year 2023!
with smile 😊
@もぐjuh (もぐじゆう)花の観賞
Thank you for your comment.
Yes! We will have a good time together
2023~. “Goendesune”🐶
Have a great day! with smile
Happy New Year!
We will have a nice time to show our photos. Plus we can talk like this!
Let’s go for 2023!
Have a great day. with smile
So~you will get some and take care of them!
It takes for a while ~?! Lovely
Nice day together!
I still swimming every day. It’s cloudy ☁️. Positively,cloudy,rainy days are not so cold.
I like this temperature to walk. However no ☀️
Nature is such a kind of ~. with smile
Let’s go for tomorrow. It has started 2023! 🎆
Talk to you soon. with 😊
@Yumiko (California U.S.A) Humans can't live by themselves 😥
We live with many plants and animals 🌱🌸🍎🐕🐖🐄
This New year's day is mild and nice weather 🎍☀️😄
Have a great year 👍
Great. Take it easy ~ . Because you work, and do some things to do every day including gardening!
Right. I just finished my all roses to clean up for Spring. My garden is now very quiet. Not to worry anything.
It’s the Winter. Naturally rain comes.
Thanks for the nature!
I have a orange tree with full of oranges 🍊 now. Before they fall to the ground, I pic them up and give to ~
They show good 😊!
We will have a nice day together!
See U with smile
Yes, we will. I hope 🤞 Covid-19 will be solved(not completely but)and we can go abroad as usual. Still I doubt to go to Japan this year. “Mizugiwataisaku”is still strict in Japan. I had better wait for the time.
Peaceful world 🌎.
We will be able to smile all of the world. I 🙏 pray.
Nice day? “Omochi/Ozouni” make you good appetite?! I make them,too.
With iriko-dashi,katsuobushi.
I like (usuaji)🐶
Nice talking to you. We will have a good time together. with smile 😊
@Yumiko (California U.S.A) The border measures have been considerably eased, but 😅we are strictly dealing with visitors from China 😅
The number of Chinese is increasing at an explosive rate 😫
No improvement ❓😥
Right. I got the information by ABC news which I watch everyday.
Anything…new info, I will let you know.
Chinese imported story has already started before. And now~. Reasonable
By the way you got new posted 4,300
👏 Continuing makes the power.
Like “shougun”/genaral. Congratulations !!
Still ‘ll talk to you~
smile 😋 you know…it’s so delicious,
sweet and juicy! I have one a day.
till the end of February ~
I went back to see your photos (5/25~6/8). Nice ones. It’s in winter ❄️ I like to see photos in another seasons. Has a sense!?
We will have a nice day together!
with smile 😊
@Yumiko (California U.S.A) China is a strange country that reacts quickly 😥
When Japan had many infected people, they didn't complain even if Japanese people were restricted 😥
China says they won't announce the number of infected people ❓😥
Unthinkable 😓
Honestly speaking, I like today’s situation…I mean thinking of Chinese.
They have gigantic packages 📦 in the world. They behave what they are. As you know they used to wear county uniforms ~ears ago, not old story .
Suddenly ~ However we(Japan)need to have a good friendship each other.
Long talk…endless…
How is your day? It’s still small rain 🌧
I hope it will be no rain to take pics,
Have a great day ! with smile 😊
@Yumiko (California U.S.A) The weather is getting better ⛅
The white - eye (メジロ)🐦is coming to play in the garden 🐦
It's a cute little bird 🐦
That’s right (hontouni~)desu 🐶
Nobody likes winter ❄️…still winter beauty is showing in mountain places. Respect They have hard time to get rid of deep snow around their houses. I will cheer them up! (Ganbatte!)
…still I will not forget your snowman.
Happy day ?! together! with smile 😊
Lol! How nice! You saw it(them)!
Happy Here we can see Blue-bird except now. It has real blue colored feather. However they sing ~ wildly
“Kikikiki”something like this.
Right now I can hear 🐸 frogs from my house backyard. There used be a golf ⛳️ course(closed now). There is a big pond~ that’s why.
Nature~ I hope you have a good day and go for tomorrow! Shall we!
with smile 😊
@Yumiko (California U.S.A) ``White - eye''(メジロ)🐦is a small, green and cute bird 🐦
It comes to the garden during the winter 🌸🍊🐦
In the summer, it goes to a cool place in the mountains 😥
Thank you for a message.
Sorry I missed your message…I just checking. I am happy to hear from you. Ok. Now I finish today. I will still check past replies tomorrow. 😅
I feel today…healthy(not before).
Have a nice day as usual.
*We like yogurt. I eat it with black grapes. 😋 Recommend
See you tomorrow. I am gonna take a rest from now ~ 😊
@Yumiko (California U.S.A) It's cloudy today ☁️
Let's pray on the backs of people we meet 😉
I wish you happiness 🙏😅
keep quiet 🙏😉
Today is also peaceful ✌️😘
😅whoops! I found missing replies!
I need to check more often.
I will get up soon. Today will start!👌
I will see you this afternoon.
@Yumiko (California U.S.A) It's the beginning of Golden Week in Japan 😅
But it's raining today ☔😓
Let's do our best with the sun shining in our hearts 💖☀️
How is this G/W? I feel good if the people go around for trip. For almost 3 years~ we have not tried to do, trips~.
🤞Everything looks OK. Now…I will start thinking to go to Japan. Next year. No mask, safe circumstances.
It’s coming. 😊 Nice day !!
@Yumiko (California U.S.A) More and more people are going abroad and coming to Japan from abroad 😅
There are still many people wearing masks 😷
It's free, but Japanese people can't let go of masks 😷 ❓
I understand…Recently(for 2weeks~).
I recognized they do not wear masks at all. only me. I did…however I will take off masks. It’s the same as our driving on the highway ~. We need to set the current speed with another drivers.
Everyone dose, I do,too.
Probably It’s still strict in Japan, right?!
Long talk ~ 😊 Have a nice day!
See you tomorrow.
@Yumiko (California U.S.A) I don't have to worry about hay fever anymore 😅
I think I'll wear a mask less when the hot summer comes ☀️😵💦
I wonder if I won't be wearing a mask even when autumn arrives ❓😅
It's hard to see the expression on my face with a mask 😷
I understand that. Now…since three days before, I decided not to wear mask. Right now in California, no requirement to wear masks. I have hundreds of(different kinds) masks. 😅 Still this is happy situations for us!
Did I tell you? I had a bad flue(1/9.2023~for 3 weeks). I did COVID-19 TEST(negative).
I was still going posting at that time.
(guaiga walukute ne). Life is such a kind~ main thing is, we need to make it sure that we will have a strong will to go for our lives. Right?! 😊🤛
Let’s have a good day together!
See you tomorrow
@Yumiko (California U.S.A) Did you hurt your respiratory tract ❓😥
Have you healed completely ❓😥
In Japan, wearing a mask has never been obligatory 😅
This is a request level😷
Even if wearing a mask is still high ❓😅
I wonder if Japanese people are cautious ❓😅
I went to the grocery store wearing a mask. Now/Today…They sent me stink eyes😏…nobody wears mask! Now I took off. (gou ni ireba gou ni shitsgae)/ “if you enter the situation(country), follow the village” 🫡
I feel much better. You know…we can see the face each other. These 1,000 days (approximately) were long days for us.
I see your plants every day. Nice ones. Let’s have a good time together
Have a nice day! See U tomorrow 😊
@Yumiko (California U.S.A) In Japan, you still need to wear a mask when you go out 😷
You are free to wear a mask, but you can't take it off 😷❓
When will life be like before 😅
I'm taking it off at home 😅
Today is also good 1Have a good day 👍😉
I know. My friends say that,too.
That’s why I still postpone to go to Japan. I hope it will be free mask(no require to wear),I will get a airplane ticket. Keep fingers crossed 🤞
How is the weather up your place?
Here, it still cold in the morning. Now…17°C. Ok. Soon I need to go to my garden and take care of my roses.
Now ~ they show off very beautifully.
I water, trim, clean everyday. I took a rest in winter. Now it has started for
Let’s have a nice day together!
See you tomorrow! with always smiles
@Yumiko (California U.S.A) It's cloudy this morning ☁️
The temperature is 20degrees 😅
It's comfortable 😄
I need to water the cacti and succulents 🌵🌱🚿
I'm busy today 😅
Let's talk again 😄
Have a nice day 👍😉
It’s warmer at your place. Nice
Right now…my garden is full with roses
which I take care of them everyday.
I wish I could show my rose garden.
(shikatanashi). ☺️
I do my way to post everyday. I am still far to show my flowers from my garden. I respect you. And another GS friends. Respect
It’s in the middle of spring. Soon it will be hot. I like four seasons which I had not have till I got here(2016). I was in the summer(always) for a long time.
🤭…long talk~ can’t stop talking
Have a great day! See U tomorrow
@Yumiko (California U.S.A) I don't have rose 😅
There are a lot of cacti and succulents around my house 🌵🌱😄
The weather is bad today ☔
But the temperature is high 😅
More people will get heatstroke in the future ☀️😵💦
We are also continued Let's put on 😅
Have a nice day 😉 👍 😉
That’s right…I have seen your photos plants/cactuses more than flowers.
Well~ when you used walk with Chibi-chan, you took lots of flowers in the nature & at the flower shop. I remember them. You will go for the same routine to have a good time.
I would like to motivate you.😊
Let’s go for tomorrow! 🤛
Have a great day! with always smile
@Yumiko (California U.S.A) The collaboration between Chibi and Hana was popular with many people 🌸🐶🌸
It will always be a good memory 🌸🐕😍
The icon will always be with Child 🐶
That’s right. I have know you…since last October ~ If I have not had mistaken…We talk each other everyday 👍 Precious
Your flowers/plants & cactuses
Nice ones Respect
Our day is coming everyday!
Let’s go for it together.
…🎶I am listening to ‘Enka’ music.🎶
(Maekawa kiyoshi-san)… 😀
I started listening his songs since I was 6~8 years old. ‘Maekawa bushi’ I call in YouTube they know.
…😅long talk. Have a good day and evening. See U tomorrow
@Yumiko (California U.S.A) It hasn't even been a year since we've known each other 😅
But it seems like we've known each other for long time 😉
we went to Kiyoshi Maekawa's concert on February 14🎶
The kids are singers 🎶👨‍👧‍👦
We sang together 🎤🎶👨‍👧‍👦
Have a nice day 👍 😉
Tomorrow too 😘
😀for real! You went and enjoyed his concert. 💕lovely
I feel we are together…amazing!
I do not talk to loudly…I like him.
Forever Enka
And you remember…he was also a great comedian. He has great performances… 😂I can’t stop talking
Let’s talk everyday. It’s coming
Have a great day. Nice smile together
@Yumiko (California U.S.A) It's sunny today ☀️ 😄
Kiyoshi Maekawa is appearing on a TV program that says he loves to travel 📺
Not only singing, he's also good at talking 😃
He's also good at chatting and livening up cncerts ⤴️⤴️😄
Let's talk again 👍😉
For real…! How nice~ He is still has his great performance to show us!
I am happy to hear from you. 🤗
I am very particular on YouTube. My name is on the board.(You can check)/as one of the listeners)
When I was a little girl…I was 11 years old~ My mother bought a open reel tape. I used it with a mike(set up)and recorded his songs. In those days “Uchiyamada&cool five”. deshita ne
I still a fun of him. YouTube knows me
Nice to talk to you! Nice day together!
See you tomorrow.
@Yumiko (California U.S.A) Hiroshi Uchiyamada has passed away 😥
The other members are still alive 😅
Kiyoshi Maekawa's first wife was Keiko Fuji, but they divorced after a year 💔
Keiko Fuji passed away 😭
Kiyoshi Maekawa &koolFaibu 🎤👬👬
Today is also a nice day ☀️
Have a nice day 👍 😉
I know…with our age…we loose people year by year~ because we are hitting the AGE!🙂 you know, I am positive to go for our senior period. We have enough confidence to go for the future. Important No worries because we eat small food with yogurt.
😋 we have a house. And a nice/comfortable bed(our nest). We are happy with these, yeah?!
Let’s have a nice day together!
Everyday is coming. See U tomorrow!
@Yumiko (California U.S.A) The weather is good today too ☀️
I'm happy to have food, clothing and shelter in peace 🕊️🧥🍱🏠
Let's eat healthy food and exercise moderately 🍜🤸
Let's stay healthy today 😉 👍
That’s right! Clothe, Food, Living/( I.Shoku.Jyu). desune 🐶
Additionally…house(the place)to live.
We are having our good life,yeah! 🤞
We will go for ~ like this a the time.
I am happy for that. Good day together. See U tomorrow. 😊
@Yumiko (California U.S.A) We have everything we need to live 😅
Even if we get sick, we have a hospital and insurance 🏥
Even if we can't move, an ambulance will take us 🏥🚑
But health is the most important thing 👍😃
That’s right! By the way, I saw your photo yesterday. Famous Chibi-chan was on board. Good! I told you…once a mince/2 times a month…I hope you show co-pictures on GS. Motivation
It’s now getting warmer here. I wear swears. Let’s have a nice day together.
See U tomorrow! 😊
@Yumiko (California U.S.A) Thank you for watching Chibi 🐶 😃🎶
Even though I'm dead, I'm healing a lot of people 🐶 😅
I'll post once a month for a while 🐶🌸
Let's have a good day today 😉 👍
How nice! I like that. Sorry 😅 I did miss spelling/mince>month
I feel I need to change my reading glasses. I was using 1.5~1,75.
🥲I bought new one which is 2.0~2.5.
Getting old~ yeah Now I am in my study.
When I feel tired, I lie down in my bed..
How is your day? Getting warmer!
Let’s go out and take a nice pic!
Have a good day. With smile as usual
@Yumiko (California U.S.A) I didn't understand the meaning because it was a misspelling 😅
I'm doing my best without my glasses 😅
I saw your beautiful cactus flower 🌵🌸😍
It's a pity it's raining today 😥
I hope it clears up tomorrow ☀️🙏
(huhu)😅(yokatta desu)!
Recently my eyesight has been changing. Reading glasses(rougan kyou) and Distance glasses. I will go to see my eye-doctor soon. 🥲
I have just opened the senior’door.
I will be protected by government(all insurances) from now. We think of our health insurance all the time. The best …is we do not need it, however It may come in the future.😐Because of our age.
Anyway let’s go for positive life.
We will have a nice day together!
(Yoshya ~ ikuzo~)! *kore nani-ben?!🤭
See U tomorrow
@Yumiko (California U.S.A) The rain has finally stopped 🌂☁️
It looks like it will be sunny from noon ☀️
I haven't been to the hospital for several years 🏥🆖😅
Thank you for being healthy 💪🙏
Let's do our best today as well 🏃😅
How nice! Still you will have a rainy season from now, right!? I remember that. My place(Japan)…6/15~7/20
But you know, rain helps a lot for us.
Plus, most of the trees and flowers love rain(except cactuses).
Every day is coming.
I recently started eating ‘Mangoes’.
It’s gentle, smooth…taste fine to me.
our taste is gradually changing, I think.
…nice to talk to you. See U tomorrow!
Have a great day! with our smiles 😊
@Yumiko (California U.S.A) I like this season before the rainy season 😅
Mangoes look delicious 🥭😋
In Japan, tropical fruits are expensive 😥
In tropical countries, they are sold in piles 🍌🍍🥥🥭
In places where you can get a lot, they are cheap 😅
I like it today too Let's be grateful to be able to eat something 😋👍
That’s right. Here…one box of Mangoes(a dozen)/$14. Good price!
I eat one everyday. And I like Avocado.
1/4 of one everyday. I eat this with Wasabi&Shoyu. Try~ it’s delicious
We like to talk about food! 😋
Everyday is something ~. lovely
I see your photos everyday. Great!
Your cactuses are showing flowers nicely. You have been taking care of them well. Respect
Have a nice day. See you tomorrow 😊
@Yumiko (California U.S.A) You can buy avocado anywhere 🥑
I eat it as hand - rolled sushi 🥑😋
It tastes the best when when paired with lettuce and tamagoyaki 🥑🐣😃⤴️⤴️
I eat it with soy sauce and mayonnaise 😋
I'm growing the seeds properly 🌱🥑
Can I bear fruit? Is it impossible ❓😅
Amazing! 😛you say, you like soy sauce with
mayonnaise!! ‘Pittanko’ desu ne🐶
My lovely taste is the same as yours.
I eat Avocado with Wasabi/Soy sauce.
If you are interested in the seasonings. Look for ‘Fish sauce’. It is unique taste. We use ~
‘Shouyu~’ all the time. We can taste this one.
I am becoming hungry. Very soon I will go to my garden and take care of my roses.
Nice to talk to you! Have a great day. 😊
@Yumiko (California U.S.A) さま

@ かんじだめ
Thank you. I see your photos a lot.
You like to go to shrines and temples.
Me,too! 😊
We will have a nice time together on GS. Everyday is a good day! with smile👍
@Yumiko (California U.S.A) さま

ぼく いいね❤いっぱい
@ かんじだめ
Yes! We are having a nice time.
You can talk to me anytime.
We will have a good time on GS!
💪gamba! with smile 😊
@Yumiko (California U.S.A) さま

@ かんじだめ
Yes. I do talk to you!
We have a nice time together.
Let’s go for today & tomorrow! with smile 😊
@Yumiko (California U.S.A) さま

@ かんじだめ
👊 let’s go for tomorrow!
with smile 😊




I love swimming and walking.
