Viola. tricolor/Viola. Violaceae. Malpighiales. Magnoliopsida. Tracheophyta Place of origin/Europe Flower language/Meditation. Happiness. Kiss *Hamlet by William Shakespeare “…And also we have pansy. This means we need to believe” Ophelia ia a character in his drama Photo 12/5 10:32am 2022
Hi! Good afternoon It's a beautiful VIORA especially edge of purpul color. I like this pjurple co@ I am glad to see this V IORA T hank you Have a nice day with smile
HI❗️They Lost the game😭. BUT I think Japan's ability & Croatia's is same.Samurai blue was just unlucky.In US baseball matches is so popular isn't it? How about football games? Do they get excited this world games? I'll be watching till the end of the last game. ANYWAY have a greate joyful day with 😀.
Good evening. It's a cute viola with a yellow and a purple border. Pansy has also been used as an aphrodisiac for love. This flower is featured in Shakespeare's famous "Midsummer Night's Dream". Pansy is a mysterious.💏 Thank you for always coming. Have a great day.
@がっちゃん Thank you! Winter ❄️ has come! It’s 7°C outside. It’s warmer than useful because of the rain. Here it’s a sort of rainy season. I like it. You will be fine this morning!! Let’s have a nice day. With smiles I will talk to you later. 😊
@ひろみ Thank you. This one is in the small garden flower bed. Two are there…one is already finished. I was lucky to meet her. Something like this, every day has a story. Let’s have a good time together. See U soon! With smile 😊
@ラスカル Thank you. Your “Kouteidalia” look nice. Lovely I have not seen them here yet. Nice day?! Let’s go 👍 for tomorrow. * I had been sick since 9/18~11/20 around. I tried to be just quiet ~ “Talking is cheep”…finally I was cured today…I feel. Life is good, only one time. LG!! Have a great day. With smile 😊
@やる気ない星人黄色1号 Nice comment Thank you. I know…they will come back four years later. 64-32-16-8-4-2 and🥇 Japan was in the middle on this tournament. They had a great games! Impressed We will talk any kind stories together. With smile 😊 Have a nice day!
@がっちゃん Now I read you stubbed your toe(tsumazuita)! I know, me too. I still can’t believe I felled down severely. It took for almost one month to be normal. You were OK,yeah!? You were in the building, so it was better. I did outside concrete. 🥲 We will make it sure to walk well! Wow it’s already close to 6:00am. I leave home for swimming pool after 7:30am. Let me talk to you later. Have a good morning! With smile
@がっちゃん Thank you,too! It’s cold morning outside. It says 2°C. Today,Sunrise time is 7:12am. When I leave house, it takes for 10min ~ to my car warming. All windows are icy ❄️. And go! Fitness club is very close! Only some minute driving. Let’s have a nice day! With smile I will talk to you later. 😊
@ラスカル I checked the name of the flowers which you want to know. The second one is…”Solidago canadensis(Seitaka awadachi sou). When I see the unknown flowers…name,origin…Interesting! Let’s have a good time together. With smile
@がっちゃん Great! I thought so…usually “sutten kororin”…hit somewhere badly. You were OK! You used to do Jyudou. That’s why. Body knows how to protect. Me?…”damedeshita”🐶 I was holding smartphone in my right hand. When I fell down, I put my right hand on the ground strongly…and my right ring finger(under nail) was injured badly. 10/24 ~ December! Finally it became normal. You know…how long it took ~! (Toshi nanone)🐶 Anyway I will now have to be careful when I walk. Right fool, left foot…lol😅 It’s weekend! You say half day work on Saturday, still nice one! It’s time to start for today for me. Let me talk to you later. With smile 😊
@Yumiko (California U.S.A) Good evening Thank you very much when I unknown the flower's name. When I saw the unknown beautiful flower and unknown big tree…name`origin interesting Let's have a good time together. With smile See you soon
@がっちゃん “Sakannokai”~ (Otokoppoi kotobadesune)🐶 Your life is in Kyushu-dialect,right! How nice. “Kyushu-danji”…I remember. …my family, Father/Tohoku, Mother/Chiba. Nice to talk to you. To be concerned. Happy weekend! With smile 😊
@がっちゃん Nice ! You know…sometimes working makes us refresh! I like “handon”, you gave a great info about this. 👍 By the way “yabai” is Japanese!? I have not known this word,however I can see lots in net today. Not only young people but our age. This word was made in 50years or so?! Interesting Nice Sunday for you! See U soon With smile 😊
@がっちゃん Lol ! How come? I have not known Kyushu dialect yet, I mean with real voice…Interesting Every prefecture has its own way to talk. When I go Hakodate~ nice feeling to hear their talking. You have yours,yeah! I saw your some comments how you talk. Lovely Go for it! 😅If I can’t understand, I will ask you! With smile The way to talk is not only NHK. We have our own way to talk! With smile 😊 Thank you for your nice comments. Nice to talk to you. New week is coming. Have a good evening and relax for tomorrow. See U tomorrow
@Yumiko (California U.S.A) Hi Good afternoon Can I talk to you in Japanese? If I talk to you in Japanese, You are easy to talk to. Why YUM IKO understand Japanese?
@ラスカル Great! Absolutely Yes! You talk to me in Japanese. I talk to you in English. My GS friends do this way(85%). 👍 Have a nice day together! With smile
@がっちゃん I got you! Today words are vivid. I am learning. With smile “Taste good”~Yabai~I like it more. “Looking good person”~Yabai~I do not want to fall in~. I can feel this ! Huu 😊 nice taking to you! See you now
@がっちゃん Awesome! You can describe about Local language(Chihou-gengo) So…you can talk several ways yo talk?! Lovely Interesting “Kyusyu danji” I have known this. You are like this! I have a curiosity about your culture at your place. 😊 See U soon. With smile
@がっちゃん Good morning! I just woke up. Lol…! Thank you. You made my day! I overslept. After I made a reservation, l couldn’t sleep back for a while… It’s December 13th. I had only one person whom I respected so much. He went to the heaven on December 13th in 2001. It has been passed for 21 years. I will talk about this more later. …a long story! You are now start sleeping! Have a good one! See U With smile
@がっちゃん Lol! It’s good! You have a nice wife and great family. That’s why you work hard and keep being happy and healthy. Lovely You said you were”hekonde”…feel something sad? I will cheer you up ⬆️! I know we sometimes feel down, however we need to be back with optimistic way of thinking. And ride on! 👍 OK I hope you have a nice smile! “Don’t worry 🎶 Be happy” by Bobby McFerrin/1988. This was very popular in those days. I have just watched his video( nice one)! I will talk to you this afternoon. Have a nice morning and good day! With smile 😊
@がっちゃん I can understand how you feel. Your son got depression at his work, I think. Because he lives with nice family. He has a good girlfriend. Sorry 😞 about that…you talk with him,right!? I am not a phycologist, but I can say”communication” is important. Going out for lunch, dinner. Driving to see nature with lunch boxes. Watching movies together…lots of things to do together. I think you and your wife do with him. One thing he get depression from his work, he will have to think of changing his workplace. He is still young enough to go for another job. “I am in the middle of recovery of mental sickness” they tell like this. I hope he will be able to recover by himself. He will be better. By the way, you have not met his girlfriend yet, right? Why don’t you make a plan to see her. You will see your son’s smiling 🙂! Your depression will be OK! 🤞🏻 Think about 3 TAKE!!! Take it easy(nonbirito) Take your time(Jikan o kakete) Take a rest(yasumi yasumi) Your lovely great father. Your son respects you and love 💕 you.
Please take care of yourself. You can talk to me about anything anytime. I would like to talk to you.
Have a good evening and relax for tomorrow. Your plants are waiting for you. Have a nice time & day!
@がっちゃん How nice! I am happy to hear that. See…Time can solve anything eventually. A little by little! “Remote work” has a sense. It’s today’s type. Working at home. I like that. The people sometimes have a stress because of communication troubles with another people. Working at home has no trouble. You have got your favorite car! Congrats! Now you can go for driving with family. Enjoyable Soon it’ll be Christmas 🎄 and New-year. Everyone has a plan to spend a holiday season. 🤞🏻 I hope you will have a good day. Have a good evening! See you later
Place of origin/Europe
Flower language/Meditation. Happiness.
*Hamlet by William Shakespeare
“…And also we have pansy. This means
we need to believe”
Ophelia ia a character in his drama
Photo 12/5 10:32am 2022