Furthermore, some regions had a custom called moon-waiting, which is why the moon after the seventeenth night is called Tatemachi-zuki (moon-waiting in a standing position), Imachi-zuki (moon-waiting in a sitting position), Nemachi-zuki (moon-waiting in a lying position) and *Fukemachi-zuki (moon-waiting late at night).
✍️Works:Poetaster Kazyan:筍歌人:藪中和堂
Artistic:Dawn moon & star Mars Nov13,2022:past am 06:00’;📱shooting Nov14,2022:past am 09:45’;upload by Kazyan’s Green Studio
🌗更待月:Stay longer for the moon
🌲栴檀の木:Sandalwood tree
@"🌗*Waiting Moon is setting in the western sky, ✨Mars is also going to set with it.
*更待月:ふけまちづき:Waiting Moon
Furthermore, some regions had a custom called moon-waiting, which is why the moon after the seventeenth night is called Tatemachi-zuki (moon-waiting in a standing position), Imachi-zuki (moon-waiting in a sitting position), Nemachi-zuki (moon-waiting in a lying position) and *Fukemachi-zuki (moon-waiting late at night).
✍️Works:Poetaster Kazyan:筍歌人:藪中和堂
Artistic:Dawn moon & star Mars
Nov13,2022:past am 06:00’;📱shooting
Nov14,2022:past am 09:45’;upload
by Kazyan’s Green Studio