@ドラチャン Hi! How are you…long time to talk to you! I am happy to hear from you. You will have radiation therapy,I read now. Please take care of yourself. Today’s great technology is awesome! Keep going on and we will have a nice time on GS together. Have a good evening and relax for tomorrow! I will talk to you soon!
@がっちゃん Awesome! Now gradually your special bench is coming up! 👏 great job You build this and put some flower pots on! I am looking forward to seeing yours. Nice day together!smile
@はやとものかず Right…sometimes sad flower language is shown,I pick up better ones! Sometimes only sad one are showing, I have to post. There is no way! Smile By the way your posted photos are 3,900~!! I just saw the number now. Great! Ten times more than mine. “Keep continuing makes power” Let’s have a nice time together! Smile
@Yumiko (California U.S.A) It's not just the good language of flowers, but there are also 🌸unpleasant flower languages. 🌸 Before I knew it, I was posting a lot 🌸🐕 Sometimes I get congratulatory messages for commemorative posts. 😅
@はやとものかず Great! “Keizoku wa chikara nari” I really think so. Your day is good day ! I am enjoying my day everyday,too. No stress, no worries, keep being healthy, right!! Let’s enjoy on GS together. See U
@がっちゃん 👏 Great job!! It’s not so easy to make that. You are the special! You are looking forward to having your plants 🪴 and flowers!! Nice A little by little everyday…Lovely Let’s have a good communication together! Have a good evening! With smile
Place of origin/Central America. Mexico
Flower language/Health. Ptetty affection
Photo 10/7 9:15am 2022