@"When I look east— the light of daybreak spilling out over the plain. When I look back— the moon crossing to the west. 訳意:東の野に曙の光が差し染めるのが見えて、振り返って見ると残月が西の空に傾いている。}
『東:ひんがしの 曙の空星一つ 西の空には月沈み行く』
@"At dawn, I saw one star shining in the eastern sky: "Lucifer: Morning Star". Looking back at the west sky, it seems that the moon is about to set." 大意:夜明けどき(曙の刻)、東の空に輝く星一つ:明けの明星を見ました。 振り返って西の空を見ると月が沈み行くようデス🐶
✍️Works:Poetaster Kazyan//筍歌人 藪中和堂
Artistic:Lucifer:Morning star March 19,2022:past am 06:00’:📱shooting March 21,2022:past am 05:30’:upload by Kazyan’s Green Studio
♧ヤマザクラ:山桜:wild Cherry blossoms
『東:ひむがしの 野にかぎろひの立つ見えて
@"When I look east—
the light of daybreak spilling out over the plain.
When I look back—
the moon crossing to the west.
『東:ひんがしの 曙の空星一つ
@"At dawn, I saw one star shining in the eastern sky: "Lucifer: Morning Star".
Looking back at the west sky, it seems that the moon is about to set."
✍️Works:Poetaster Kazyan//筍歌人 藪中和堂
Artistic:Lucifer:Morning star
March 19,2022:past am 06:00’:📱shooting
March 21,2022:past am 05:30’:upload
by Kazyan’s Green Studio