@“Pretty little fruits “Murasaki-sikibu:purple Japanese beauty-berry” shining beautifully are shaking for autumn wind and contact subtly and hear ling-a-ling. I feel that the garden of ancient “Manyou: myriad green leaves” is remembered there.” 訳意:美しく輝く可愛いい小ちゃな紫式部の果実が秋風に揺れて、微かに触れあって鈴々と聴こえくる。 小生は、いにしえの万葉の庭がそこに記憶されているかのように感じているのです。
英名:Japanese beauty-berry
@“Pretty little fruits “Murasaki-sikibu:purple Japanese beauty-berry” shining beautifully are shaking for autumn wind and contact subtly and hear ling-a-ling.
I feel that the garden of ancient “Manyou: myriad green leaves” is remembered there.”
by Kazyan's Green Shot
Artistic purple (Japanese)beauty-berry
2018/Sep 📱shooting
2020/Sep 16/past am 04:30' upload